8. Political Organisations: p. 7 - 8 TOPIC: Issues in the Second Reich KD ANSWERS 5: 8. Political Organisations: p. 7 - 8 Political Parties flourished - in part because of universal Male Suffrage (by 1871), but also because other political views were suppressed. Name Conservatives Junkers, landed interests, especially in Prussia. Supported the Kaiser, discipline and authority Favoured nationalist foreign policy Groups Views Name Free Conservatives Commercial, industrial and wealthier professional classes. Similar to Conservatives; strong supporters of von Bismarck and Protectionism. Groups Views
Make sure to know these two groups. They were TOPIC: Issues in the Second Reich KD ANSWERS 6: 8. Political Organisations: p. 7 - 8 Name National Liberals Industrial middle class and Protestant middle class. Supported nationalist policies, with a liberal constitution. Supported von Bismarck’s Kulturkampf. Groups Views Name Liberal Progressives Middle classes Favoured parliamentary government, but not in support of von Bismarck’s ‘nation state.’ Groups Views Make sure to know these two groups. They were targeted by the Kaiser’s ‘divide and rule’ strategy.
8. Political Organisations: p. 7 - 8 Name TOPIC: Issues in the Second Reich KD ANSWERS 7: 8. Political Organisations: p. 7 - 8 Name Centre Party - Zentrum - 1871 Catholics, mainly based in the South (Bavaria, Upper Silesia), as well as non-socialist middle and working classes. Anti-socialist, anti-Prussia and OPPOSED von Bismarck’s Kulturkampf. Groups Views Name Social Democratic Party (SPD) - 1890 Working classes Split views: Marxists (led by August Bebel) argued for revolution and non-cooperation, while Reformists (led by Eduard Bernstein) wanted to work within Reichstag. Groups Views
Seats won in the Reichstag 1898 - 1912 TOPIC: Issues in the Second Reich KD ANSWERS 8: 8. Political Organisations: p. 7 - 8 Seats won in the Reichstag 1898 - 1912 1898 1903 1907 1912 Conservatives 56 54 60 43 Free Conservatives 23 21 24 14 National Liberals 46 51 45 Liberal Progressives 41 31 42 Centre Party 102 100 105 91 Social Democrats 81 110 Other 82 63 69 52 What do these figures suggest about the direction Germany is heading? Discuss