Possibilities for promoting environmental protection projects DI Alexandra Amerstorfer Kommunalkredit Public Consulting Possibilities for promoting and financing environmental protection projects Partnership Forum CEE 10. November 2004 Füllung weiß/ keine Füllung 27.07.2019
Contents Kyoto Target and National Climate Strategy The Austrian JI/CDM Programme Kyoto Target and National Climate Strategy The Austrian JI/CDM Programme: Background and Status, Project Cycle Experiences so far The Austrian Environmental Funding Programme 27.07.2019
Austrian Kyoto Target and National Climate Strategy EU target - 8 % EU "Burden Sharing": Austrian target - 13 % Domestic measures: Austrian National Climate Strategy Kyoto mechanisms (supplementary): JI and CDM Responsible Authority: Austrian Ministry of Environment Programme Management: Kommunalkredit Public Consulting Austria has to reduce GHG emissions by 17 mill. t CO2e annually Austrian JI/CDM Programme 27.07.2019
At least 7 mill. t CO2e per year Austrian JI/CDM Programme Target and Means Main Aim Closing the gap between the Austrian Kyoto target and national emission reduction potential Means - Purchase of ERUs/CERs from JI/CDM projects (incl. financing of project-related immaterial costs) - Investment in Carbon Funds Budget 2003 EUR 1 mill. 2004 EUR 11 mill. 2005 EUR 24 mill. > 2006 EUR 36 mill. At least 7 mill. t CO2e per year 27.07.2019
Austrian JI/CDM Programme Legal Basis Kyoto Protocol and relevant COP-decisions (e.g. Marrakech Accords) Austrian Environmental Support Act Directive for the Austrian JI/CDM Programme Memoranda of Understanding: Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Morocco, Romania, Slovakia (several others in preparation) 27.07.2019
Austrian JI/CDM Programme 2st Call for JI/CDM Projects Negotiation procedure with prior public announcement Publication 11 October 2004 Closure 30 June 2005 Project cycle Expression of Interest Proposal Negotiations ERPA 27.07.2019
Eligibility of Applicant Austrian JI/CDM Programme Assessment of Expression of Interest (EoI) Eligibility of Applicant General eligibility Financial and economic standing Technical capacity Social Responsibility Project-related criteria Eligibility of project 27.07.2019
Austrian JI/CDM Programme Items of Proposal Project Design Document (PDD) incl. Baseline Study, Monitoring Plan and, if necessary, Environmental Impact Assessment) Detailed technical description of the project Comprehensive Business Plan Indicative offer of emission reductions 27.07.2019
Austrian JI/CDM Programme Evaluation of Proposal In-depth project evaluation Kyoto criteria (Baseline, Monitoring Plan) Economic criteria (Applicant, project) Technical criteria (Applicant, project) Ecological criteria (construction, operation) Socio-economic and development criteria 27.07.2019
Austrian JI/CDM Programme Negotiation of Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Negotiations Delivery of emission reductions (amount, emission reductions before 2008, additional emission reductions etc.) Delivery default (incl. penalities) Kyoto risk / Baseline risk Payment on delivery / Prepayment Price: Basis is market price for comparable projects Dependence on risk sharing, mechanism (JI/CDM), project quality (additional benefits) Statement of Programme Management Approval by Austrian JI/CDM Commission and the Minister of Environment 27.07.2019
Austrian JI/CDM Programme Experiences so far Officially 51 projects have been submitted: 2 project is contracted 2 project is being negotiated 11 projects have been invitated for a detailed Proposal 36 further projects are in the first phase of the tender procedure (EoI) 27.07.2019
Experience and Expectations Specific Features of Austrian JI/CDM Programme Flexibility and efficiency within the tendering procedure Continuous approval procedure (number of selected projects is limited by the annual budget only) Additional project benefits are considered in price negotiation Possibility of prepayment Possibility of financial support for Baseline, Validation, Monitoring, Verification and Certification No minimum level of emission reductions offered No specific country restriction 27.07.2019
Austrian JI/CDM Programme www.ji-cdm-austria.at/ 27.07.2019
Austrian Environmental Funding Programme Main Aim To reduce emissions, which have a substantial impact on the Austrian environment Projects Reduction of gaseous emissions and the reduction of greenhouse gases Improvement of lakes or rivers on the border to Austria 27.07.2019
Austrian Environmental Funding Programme Countries mainly Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary Climate protection measures mainly through joint programmes in countries with a MoU and in exchange of Emission reduction units to Austria Funding is given as a grant 10 % of the environmental relevant investment costs, but maximum the amount of immaterial costs (without international co-financing) 15 % of the environmental relevant investment costs (with international co-financing) B) 27.07.2019
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