Streamlining and simplification of European fisheries statistics State of play Item WS-1 WG on Fisheries Statistics 24 _25 October 2018.


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Presentation transcript:

Streamlining and simplification of European fisheries statistics State of play Item WS-1 WG on Fisheries Statistics 24 _25 October 2018

Eurostat project Eurostat's Annual Work Programme 2018: 'Streamlining and simplification of European fisheries statistics'. Objective: European fisheries statistics fit for purpose with a significant added value for data users and an acceptable burden on data producers. The scope may be detailed here

1st phase: Evaluation Evaluation criteria: Evaluation of the functioning of the current Eurostat fisheries statistics legislation to identify areas for improvement Evaluation criteria: Relevance Effectiveness Efficiency Coherence EU added value Statistical quality

Set-up of evaluation Target: Fisheries statistics collected by Eurostat under Regulations for catches, landings and aquaculture Context: Other data collections by the Commission: DG MARE, JRC and Eurostat other units (trade, production, employment etc.) and other international organisations

Stakeholders Owner - Eurostat Commission DGs: DG MARE, DG ENV, DG TRADE, JRC and Secretary General Data users, data producers and international organisations Others: Contractor Consortium led by Coffey International

Consultation activities

Case studies Country-specific case studies Denmark France Ireland Italy Poland Spain Horizontal case study on aquaculture with specific emphasis on data confidentiality Germany Czech Republic Greece Estonia Slovenia … * coloured countries to be visited by the contractor other countries will be interviewed by phone or VC

Timetable Inception Synthesis Sep '18 Feb '19 Apr '19 Jul '19 Structure of evaluation, and how it will be conducted ( IL, EQM etc) Data collection Reporting

Comments from the EoV harmonisation of all codes used […] would be highly appreciated for the future data are collected applying different methodologies and for different purposes and following different mandates (overlaps with other data sources) well-structured and includes the most important topics related to the Fishery Statistics if the simplification includes the collection of aggregated data it is contradictory with asking to declare more detailed species. the roadmap and the relative procedures are based on sound management and democratic principles

Next steps Workshop on the streamlining and simplification of European fisheries statistics project with Working Group members In-depth interviews with the main data users Case studies conducted in the countries On-line survey with countries' national administrations and other stakeholders Evaluation report Staff working document Possibly Impact Assessment in phase II of the project Countries list: FR, IT, DK, IE, PL, ES, DE

WG is invited to take note of the progress made on work relating to the streamlining and simplification of Fisheries statistics, participate in the workshop propose stakeholders for interviews, take note of the planning of the evaluation activities.

Streamlining and simplification of European fisheries statistics Guidelines for Workshop Item WS-2 WG on Fisheries Statistics 24 -25 October 2018

Evaluation: Consultation activities Workshop with MS Case studies Online survey In-depth interviews Open Public Consultation Desk research Workshop with MS

Objectives Discuss current European Fisheries Statistics Brainstorm opportunities and threats for the future Unique oportunity for countries, evaluation contractor (Consortium led by Coffey International), Eurostat and international organisations

Topics of the interactive workshops Day 1 SESSION 1: Strengths and weaknesses of the current European fisheries statistics Day 2 SESSION 2: Opportunities and threats for the future European fisheries statistics

Organisation List of questions delivered 3 weeks ago: preparation with colleagues/other institutions at 'home' 3 interactive splinter groups; changing composition from day 1 to day 2 Moderated by the contractor, supported by Eurostat colleagues Rapporteurs from the countries report back to the plenary at the end of the sessions

Session 1: Geographical groups Group 1: BG, EL, MT, RO, SI, TR, AL, BA, ME, XK Rapporteur: Stergios Spyroulis (EL) Moderator: Jamie Fotheringham (evaluation team) Group 2: BE, CZ, DE, FR, HU, NL, AT, PL, PT, SK Rapporteur: Tim Weber (DE) Moderator: Pavel Salz (evaluation team) Group 3: DK, EE, IE, LV, LT, FI, SE, UK, NO Rapporteur: Sidsel Bie Meier (DK) Moderator: Robert Uden (evaluation team) International organisations' representatives can choose the group or attend several

EoV: Expressions of interest Aquaculture group Czechia, France, Sweden, Estonia, Norway, Slovakia, Albania, Montenegro, Slovenia, Spain, Denmark, Bulgaria, Malta, Germany, Hungary Catch: Big-scale fleet: Poland, Netherlands, Kosovo, Norway Catch: Small-scale fleet: Finland, Croatia, Greece

Session 2: Thematic groups 1. Catches/landings: all size fleet: IE, EL, NL, PL, PT, RO, FI, NO, UK, TR Rapporteur: Stergios Spyroulis (EL) Moderator: Pavel Salz (evaluation team) 2. Aquaculture 1: CZ, EE, FR, LV, AT, PL, RO, SK, SE, NO, BA Rapporteur: Martina Wiesinger (AT) Moderator: Robert Uden (evaluation team) 3.Aquaculture 2: BE, BG, DE, DK, IE, LT, HU, MT, SI, AL, ME, XK Rapporteur: Sidsel Bie Meier (DK) Moderator: Jamie Fotheringham (evaluation team) Aqua culture 2 Aquaculture 1 Small- & big-scale fleet

Discussion & conclusions Workshop schedule Day 1 Introduction 14:00-14:30 Discussion in groups 14:30-16:30 Report to plenary 16:30-17:00 Day 2 09:00-11:00 11:00-11:30 Discussion & conclusions 11:30-12:00

Practicalities Room division available on you desk with room directions Some rooms change from Day 1 to Day 2 Refreshments in the rooms

Thank you for active particpation! Thank you to Martina, Sidsel, Stergios and Tim!