Progress of Biodiversity Research since December 2008 European Commission DG Research Astrid Kaemena
BAP Contribution of DG RTD SUPPORTING MEASURE B1.1.8 ACTION: Allocate adequate financial resources to European and national biodiversity research and to dissemination of its results, including under the Seventh Framework Programme [2006 onwards]. (cf Action A10.1.5)
Review of the BAP Contribution of DG RTD Under FP7 It is difficult to provide estimates: First call projects - still under negotiation and Second call projects - the evaluation is still ongoing. 7 projects are expected to be funded for a budget of € 23.122.421
FP7 Biodiversity research projects First call: LiveDiverse, SOILSERVICE, PALMS, HUNT, HighArcs Second call: SCALES, (BIOFRESH?) Third call – negotiations just started STEP and CONGRESS
FP7 2007 –2013 Biodiversity projects first call HUNT Hunting for sustainability 42 PALMS Palm harvest impacts in tropical forests 60 LiveDiverse Sustainable livelihoods and biodiversity in riparian areas in developing countries 36 Higharcs Highland Aquatic Resources Conservation and Sustainable Development 48 SOILSERVICE Conflicting demands of land use, soil biodiversity and the sustainable delivery of ecosystem goods and services in Europe Updated per Lars Aggerbeck 10/10/2006
FP7 2007 –2013 Biodiversity topics second call Improving the capacity to protect and manage the biodiversity of continental waters BIOFRESH on reserve list: negotiations start Rehabilitation of data from biodiversity-related projects funded under previous framework programmes Increasing the integration of biodiversity research results into policy making Scale dependency of sustainable use of biodiversity SCALES: Project start 1 May 2009 Updated per Lars Aggerbeck 10/10/2006
Biodiversity - the living world - is all about scale Securing the Conservation of biodiversity across Administrative Levels and spatial, temporal, and Ecological Scales SCALES Why do we go on losing biodiversity? The answer depends on the scale at which you view the world. At one scale it may be changes in climate, while at another one it may be habitat loss and fragmentation or disturbance. Management of the living world will be effective only if we understand how problems and solutions change with scale. The SCALES project will seek ways to build the issue of scale into policy and decision making and biodiversity management.
Biodiversity - the living world - is all about scale Securing the Conservation of biodiversity across Administrative Levels and spatial, temporal, and Ecological Scales SCALES Conceptual framework Biodiversity - the living world - is all about scale SCALES budget: EUR 6.995.640
FP7 Biodiversity research projects Third call - 2009 FP7-ENV-2009-1 Area - Biodiversity ENV.2009. Assess the pan-European status of pollinators (small or medium-scale focused research project) STEP Area - Dissemination and horizontal activities ENV.2009. Knowledge transfer and uptake of EU-research results (Coordination and Support Action) CONGRESS
Thank you for your attention! Updated 3/10/2006 – changed URLs and replaced email address with enquiries service Updated CORDIS URL on 7/11/2006