A2 Physical Education Sport Psychology ANXIETY AND ATTITUDES Week 2 Revision
Overview Week 1 Aspects of personality Arousal Week 2 Controlling anxiety Attitudes Week 3 Aggression Confidence Week 4 Attribution theory Group success Week 5 Leadership and any questions
Review your summary notes Any questions arising? You need to know the definition for personality but do not need to know it for attitude.
Attitudes TIPS! Make sure you understand how attitudes are formed and influenced. You need to be able to explain how attitudes can be changed. What are the two techniques called? Try to understand the links between attitude and behaviour in sport.
ATTITUDE OBJECTS The people, subject or situation towards which an attitude is directed.
Formation of Attitudes COACHES/ TEACHERS PAST EXPERIENCES ATTITUDES PREDUJICE PARENTS MEDIA FRIENDS/ PEERS Attitudes are mainly formed through experiences. Socialisation: The process of mixing and relating to other people.
Triadic Model of Attitudes This is known as the information component This concerns how a person intends to behave towards an attitude object This is known as the emotional component
Changing attitudes - Persuasive Communication Theory You need to be aware of most effective way of persuading someone to change their attitude. Would these people persuade you or would they just cause you stress?
Persuasive Communication Theory The Persuader Significant other with high status 2. The Message Positive to initiate the change PERSUASIVE COMMUNICATION the person must pay attention - understand - accept - retain the message being given the coach must - be expert - be trustworthy the message must - be clear - be unambiguous - be balanced between pros and cons 3. The recipients Easy to changed an attitude if the recipient really wishes to be changed 4. The situation The presence of other persuaders
TASK………… You are a GCSE PE pupil. How could persuasive communication change your negative attitude towards cross country?
ANSWER………… A significant other, e.g. teacher/captain persuades you that cross country has excellent fitness benefits for a GCSE PE pupil. The teacher explains that they can chose cross country as one of their 4 sports. The teacher tells you it will improve your practical grade if you opt for cross country. You understand that this could improve your overall practical grade so you begin to realise the benefits of taking part. Other pupils in your GCSE class share positive experiences of cross country with you and actively encourage you to take part. Focus on aspects of the triadic model
Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Festinger) If a person hold two ideas that oppose and conflict with each other an element of discomfort arises. Emotional conflict is called DISSONANCE.
Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Festinger) To reduce this feeling of dissonance, the impact of one of the conflicting ideas could be lessened and therefore an attitude would change. Updating knowledge or providing a person with new information can change the cognitive component. Providing a person with new and positive experiences can modify the affective component. If a skill is simplified or if some form of guidance is used to make execution easier, the behavioural component of attitude can be changed.
TASK………… How could a physical education teacher change the negative attitude that a pupil may have towards swimming?
ANSWER….. Educate the pupil about the benefits of swimming Use cognitive dissonance theory Persuasive communication from a significant other, e.g. teacher Set achievable goals to ensure pupil achieves success and experiences enjoyment. Offer rewards, e.g. praise, trophies. Familiarise with role models from within the sport of swimming. Use floats to make execution of some strokes easier. Attribution retraining.
Attitudes – traffic light sheet Anything new that I’ve learnt
Types of anxiety COMETITIVE TRAIT ANXIETY: Genetically inherited. These people appear to be anxious at all times. This tends to be permanent and relatively stable. COMPETITIVE STATE ANXIETY: This fluctuates in response to a given situation and is associated with arousal. It is a learned behavioural response, but can be controlled and manipulated to facilitate optimal performance. (SPIELBERGER) SOMATIC (physical) RESPONSE: Follows the inverted U hypothesis and refers to physiological changes. Somatic responses include excesses muscular tension, heart and respiration rates, resulting in impaired movement. This condition will not allow the performer to enter a ‘peak flow’ state. COGNITIVE (psychological) RESPONSE: Reflects increasing worry about performance. They could become increasingly apprehensive and develop doubts and negative thoughts. Attentional changes occur which negatively impact on the information processing system. If the athlete experiences worry, he or she will not attain a ‘peak flow’ state.
Review your summary notes Any questions that area arising?
Anxiety ‘The non specific response of the body to any demand made on it’ Seyle 1956 Eustress – Positive form of stress Anxiety – Negative form of stress
Causes of stress and stress response Page 142
Measuring anxiety Observations Questionnaires SCAT, STA1, CSAI2 Physiological measures +ve / -ve
Anxiety ‘Anxiety occurs when there is a substantial imbalance between the individual’s perception of their ability and their perception of the demands and importance of the situation.’ (MARTENS) Perception of the situational Demands. e.g. I must win my leg of the relay if my team is to have the chance of winning. Perception of ability to cope. e.g. I am not as good as my opponent ANXIETY Perception of the importance of the situation. e.g. The result of this competition hinges on this relay race.
Controlling anxiety Somatic Biofeedback PMR Centring Breathing control Cognitive PST Imagery Mental rehearsal Stress management Attentional control Thought stopping Self talk Somatic Biofeedback PMR Centring Breathing control Warm up
Goal setting Effective goal setting = Development of self efficacy Increased motivation Reduction in anxiety Persistence 1. Outcome goal 2. Performance goal 3 Process goals
Aspects of anxiety – traffic light sheet Anything new that I’ve learnt
Next week and homework Week 1 Aspects of personality Arousal Week 2 Controlling anxiety Attitudes Week 3 Aggression Confidence Week 4 Attribution theory Group success Week 5 Leadership and any questions