Directly Modulated OEIC-WC (1st Generation – Task Area 3) Jeff Henness, John Hutchinson (Intel), Jon Barton, Leif Johansson, Jon Getty
Overview Objective/Scope Approach Major Accomplishment Demonstrated directly modulated OEIC-WC with monitoring capabilities Approach Photodiode directly connected to SGDBR gain section Major Accomplishment Designed and fabricated 1st run of 1st gen OEIC-WC Begun initial testing/characterization Main Issues/Problems/Limitations Contacts, parasitics in test setup limit what … Improve monitor design Improve preamp-SOA design, SGDBR tuning, power output Extinction ratio and chirp
Current Status and Future Directions Devices to be AR coated, mounted on heat-sink, ground connection repaired High speed measurements possible Likely to satisfy Phase I milestones(?) Second mask spin will address several aspects Improved monitor/bias connection Improved SOA/detector design Improved SGDBR design Inclusion of multiple-active region embodiment Investigation of saturable absorbers for improved extinction in digital applications