A Message of Hope and Action Titus A Message of Hope and Action
https://www. youtube. com/watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE--AvrSfXY&index=44&list=PLClOO0BdaFaOx4mTGZCx8Mj1xpw0-LR9b https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE--AvrSfXY&index=44&list=PLClOO0BdaFaOx4mTGZCx8Mj1xpw0-LR9b From Apr 2, 2017 Hope of Israel 3;30min A Priesthood Choir from YSA stakes in Holladay/Murray sings, "Hope of Israel.”
A Message of Hope and Action Have them work on worksheet The confident expectation of and longing for the promised blessings of righteousness.
https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/topics/hope?lang=eng https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/topics/hope?lang=eng Stay in the Boat and Hold on! (0:41) The Lord has provided help, including a boat and essential supplies such as life jackets, and experienced river guides to help us make our way down the river of life to our final destination.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbsU3b2srQA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbsU3b2srQA Infinite Power of Hope 2:11 min Dieter F. Uchtdorf, an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, shares how hope encourages and inspires us to place our trust in the loving care of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pbDctXO3Ko Principles of Peace: Hope 2:14 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pbDctXO3Ko One of the greatest blessings of following Jesus Christ is the knowledge that we can be with our loved ones again after death. This knowledge can give us the hope we need to get through our darkest times. Watch how Clark found hope for the future through Jesus Christ.
in whom we have Hope
https://www. youtube. com/watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCPG5ze9YGg&list=PLClOO0BdaFaOx4mTGZCx8Mj1xpw0-LR9b&index=38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCPG5ze9YGg&list=PLClOO0BdaFaOx4mTGZCx8Mj1xpw0-LR9b&index=38 Jesus, Once of Humble Birth 3:50min
in whom we have Hope