Last Day Lino Block 2.16.2017
2.16.2017 Lino Block is due today! 10 prints Edition them 1/10, 2/10, 3/10….10/10 Options for presenting your artwork: Put all your prints on a mat board Take your best print and glue to a mat board Turn in your lino block, prints, and rubric, grade yourself
Exit Pass – Lino Block Reflection 1) Explain all the steps you took to make your lino block starting from drawing out your sketches to come up with an idea all the way to the finished product you are turning in today. 2) If you could change one thing about your block, what would it be and why? 3) After doing the whole print making process, do you think you’d be interested in the print making class next year, yes or no? 4) What are you most excited for with two point perspective? 5) Do you have any concerns about two point perspective?