Fig. 5 Time evolution results of the MIROC climate model simulation with freshwater hosing. Time evolution results of the MIROC climate model simulation with freshwater hosing. (A) Top to bottom: Time series of maximum AMOC strength, North Atlantic sea ice extent (February sea ice of 90% concentration), and atmospheric temperature (2 m above the surface) at Greenland summit (average from December to February) and Dome Fuji (Antarctica, annual mean) under the midglacial climate after the onset of freshwater hosing of 0.05 sverdrup. The freshwater anomaly is applied for 500 years (shown as blue bar above the time axis) and then switched off, and the integration continues for an additional 700 model years (total simulation run of 1200 years is shown). (B) Maximum AMOC strength of the three experiments for the 500 years after the onset of 0.05-sverdrup hosing (red, interglacial; green, midglacial; blue full-glacial). (C) Maximum AMOC strength as in (B) for the case of 0.1-sverdrup hosing. Dome Fuji Ice Core Project Members: et al. Sci Adv 2017;3:e1600446 Copyright © 2017, The Authors