VecTOR Malaria Sporozoite Antigen Panel Assay TM Malaria Sporozoite Antigen Panel Assay Entomological Sciences Division USACHPPM-North Fort George G. Meade, MD Prepared by The use or mention of a private entity in this document is not to be construed or interpreted as an official federal endorsement of same.
Learning Objectives Given a VecTOR test kit know: components use role in surveillance program limitations
Malaria Adult Mosquito Surveillance Plan Alternatives Do nothing Focus surveillance on suspected risk areas Conduct tests in order to predict malaria risk
Malaria Surveillance Considerations Vector Does it bite humans Can it transmit malaria to humans Is there a high vector abundance Environmental Factors Usually low to moderate illness level in endemic areas Epidemic outbreaks are likely when conditions are suitable Outbreaks can occur when climate is favorable for short periods Host Is there immediate onset of disease (10-20 days) or latent disease manifestation (6-9 months - e.g. Korea) Is there low level immunity in host population
Adult Mosquito Surveillance (Mosquito Magnet)
Adult Mosquito Surveillance (Pickle Jar”, ABC, CDC and Shannon Traps)
Malaria Identification & Distribution Identify potential malaria high-risk areas Collect and identify adult mosquitoes Perform screening with VecTOR kit Follow up with PCR confirmation Define high risk areas Initiate targeted control operations Integrate into a GIS platform to facilitate an effective management program Suspected malaria high-risk areas can be identified by monitoring human populations (especially civilian) infected with malaria. Adult Anopheles mosquitoes from surveillance collections for identifying vector/disease control strategies can be assayed by ELISA to determine the mosquito infection rate for vivax malaria parasites. These data will establish baseline data and provide estimates of risk of malaria transmission. When integrated into the GIS system, malaria infection rates can be correlated with larval habitats, adult mosquito populations and human populations for developing predictions and trends in malaria transmission.
Malaria Transmission
Malaria VecTOR Kit Rapid immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of: Plasmodium falciparium Plasmodium vivax 210 Plasmodium vivax 247 in infected mosquitoes
Malaria VecTOR Kit Results can enable PM organizations to: Continuously monitor mosquito vectors Focus vector control Deliver cost-effective disease monitoring
Malaria VecTOR Kit Intended to be a component of the Entomological Collection Kit, Field (ECK, Field) Separate Bde PM Section (1) Division PM Section (3) ASMB PM Section (3) Medical Detachment Preventive Medicine (3) SF Group (1) Civil Affairs Fld/UW BN Public Health Team (1) Civil Action Team (1)
Malaria VecTOR Kit Item: Test Kit, Malaria Detection (MAL-K020) NSN: 6650-01-551-5327 Cage Code: 3M5F7; AAC: Local Purchase Unit of Issue : Kit of 20 tests Unit of Price: $260.00 $13.00 per test (<10 female An spp. Mosquitoes/test) Shelf Life: Stable to expiration date when stored at room temp (10-30 deg C or 50-86 deg F) Sensitivity: 92%; Specificity: 98.1% Estimated limit of detection: 200-400 sporozoites
DOD PEST MANAGEMENT MATERIEL LIST (OTHER THAN PESTICIDES) June 1, 2007 Table of Contents Section 1 - Hand Sprayer, Pesticide, Manually Operated, Compressed Air Section 2 - Duster, Pesticide, Manually Carried Section 3 - Sprayer and/or Duster, Pesticide, Manually Carried, Backpack Section 4 - Sprayer, Hydraulic or Electric, Mist or Solid Stream, Pesticide, Pushcart Mounted Section 5 - Sprayer, Hydraulic or Electric, Mist or Solid Stream, Skid/Frame Mounted Section 6 - Sprayer, Hydraulic or Electric, Mist or Solid Stream, Pesticide, Trailer Mount Section 7 - Pesticide Sprayer, Fog/Aerosol Generator (ULV/ULD), Manually Carried Section 8 - Pesticide Sprayer, Fog/Aerosol Generator (ULV/ULD), Skid Mounted Section 9 - Pesticide Sprayer, Aerial Application Unit, Liquid or Dry Pesticide Section 10 – Insect Traps, includes light traps and insect bait boxes Section 11- Animal Traps Section 12 - Rodent Bait Stations Section 13 - Granular Spreader Section 14 - Pheromone Trap Stored Products Section 15 - Bird Pest Management Devices (Including bird traps) Section 16 - Sets and Kits Section 17 - Miscellaneous Section 18 - Personal Protection Materiel Section 19 - Devices for Electrocution of Flying Insects Administrative Procedures (including emergency requisition of pesticides)
Malaria VecTOR Kit For Deployment Support contact the Deployment Environmental Surveillance Program (DESP): Commander, USACHPPM 5158 Blackhawk Road ATTN: MCHB-TS-RDE Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5403 Phone: DSN 584-6096; FAX -2407 COM (410) 436-6096; FAX -2407 email: Manufacturer Direct Orders contact: VecTOR Test Systems, Inc. 2033 Yellowthroat Place Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 Phone: (805) 390-0647, FAX (805) 376-8480 email:
Malaria VecTOR Kit Specimen Collection and Preparation Use appropriate collection methods to capture female Anopheline species known to be malaria vectors Collected Anopheles spp. should be immediately identified and tested or, If not immediately tested, stored at -20 deg C until they can be processed
Malaria VecTOR Kit Materials Provided Assay dipsticks (20) in canister with desiccant cap 1 Bottle of grinding Solution 20 Conical Tubes
Malaria VecTOR Kit Materials Provided, Cont’d 2 Grinders 1 dropper cap 2 ten-hole tube stands
Malaria VecTOR Kit Materials Required but Not Provided: Mosquito keys Mosquito Collection/Pooling Log Sheet Permanent Marker Timing Device Wash bottle Motorized grinder (optional)
Malaria VecTOR Kit Materials Required but Not Provided: Forceps Latex gloves Coolers/gel packs White enamel or plastic sorting tray Dissecting Scope w/light source
Malaria VecTOR Kit Grinding Solution: Before use: Mix gently, inverting the bottle five times When dispensing drops: Hold the bottle in an upside-down, vertical position Squeeze the white portion of the dropper cap just above the the tip. Holding the bottle at an angle will cause the size of the drops to vary, causing inconsistent solution dispensing
Malaria VecTOR Kit Procedure: Place 1-10 female Anopheline mosquitoes into conical grinding tube Label tube with pool number Place the tube in the stand Dispense 13 drops of grinding solution into the tube
Malaria VecTOR Kit Procedure Continued: Place pestle into the grinding tube Rotate it vigorously to grind up the mosquitoes Wash the pestle between samples (tubes)
Malaria VecTOR Kit Procedure Continued: Remove test strip (dipstick) from container Replace desiccant cap on canister to protect remaining test strips Label pool number on the back side of test strip Place test strip in tube labeled with corresponding pool number
Malaria VecTOR Kit Procedure Continued: Wait 15 minutes for test to be complete – read results (Results should be read within 30 minutes. After 30 minutes dipsticks turn gray- and results can be obscured.) DO NOT read dipsticks after they dry.
Malaria VecTOR Kit Procedure: Determine test results Remove test strip Compare test strip to pictorial sample in the VecTOR Kit instructions Presence of only a control line indicates a negative result Test results are not valid if the control line does not develop
Malaria VecTOR Kit Procedure: Presence one or more lines (other than control) indicates the presence one or more malaria strains: Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax 210, or P. vivax 247.
Malaria VecTOR Kit Dipsticks can be saved, taped to a sheet of paper with pertinent information added, as a record of assay results
Malaria VecTOR Kit Limitations: Can not test more than 10 mosquitoes per test Mosquito identification ID to genus vs. ID to species Screening Tool Can not be confirmed by PCR in a Laboratory from strip (additional mosquito material is needed)
Malaria VecTOR Kit Used pipette tips, dipsticks, and sample tubes can all be disposed of in regular trash (all non-hazardous)
Malaria VecTOR Kit PM Dets, ASMB PM Sec, Div PM Sec, Sep Bde PM Sec, SF Group PM, Civil Affairs Teams Another tool in your tool box Can be used to test field collections of Anopheline mosquitoes Hone your mosquito ID capability Practice Malaria vector surveillance Expect low infection rates, unless a large outbreak occurs
Malaria VecTOR Kit Questions?
Malaria VecTOR Kit For Deployment Support contact the Deployment Environmental Surveillance Program (DESP): Commander, USACHPPM 5158 Blackhawk Road ATTN: MCHB-TS-RDE Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5403 Phone: DSN 584-6096; FAX -2407 COM (410) 436-6096; FAX -2407 email: Manufacturer Direct Orders contact: VecTOR Test Systems, Inc. 2033 Yellowthroat Place Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 Phone: (805) 390-0647, FAX (805) 376-8480 email:
Malaria VecTOR Kit Item: Test Kit, Malaria Detection (MAL-K020) NSN: 6650-01-551-5327 Cage Code: 3M5F7; AAC: Local Purchase Unit of Issue : Kit of 20 tests Unit of Price: $260.00 $13.00 per test (<10 female An spp. Mosquitoes/test) Shelf Life: Stable to expiration date when stored at room temp (10-30 deg C or 50-86 deg F) Sensitivity: 92%; Specificity: 98.1% Estimated limit of detection: 200-400 sporozoites
Using the Malaria Sporozoite Antigen Panel Assay Kit EXERCISE: Using the Malaria Sporozoite Antigen Panel Assay Kit
Objectives Given field collected mosquitoes, a list of common mosquito genera, a mosquito key, a Malaria VecTOR Kit, DA Form 8011-R, Mosquito Pool Log Sheet, a dissecting microscope w/light source: Sort Anopheline mosquitoes from all other genera Pool the Anopheline mosquitoes Test the pools using the VecTOR kit (malaria sporozoite antigen panel assay)
Malaria VecTOR PE CONDITIONS You are supporting general mosquito (vector-borne disease surveillance) at an OCONUS base camp. Given a country specific mosquito key, dissecting microscope w/light source, field collected mosquito specimens, DA Form 8011-R, Malaria lab pooling sheet, Malaria VecTest Antigen Panel Kit, permanent marker, and appropriate label information, prepare specimens for and test anopheline mosquitoes for malaria.
Malaria VecTOR PE STANDARDS 1. Identify required materials 2. Properly record collection data on DA Form 80-11-R 3. Sort Anopheline mosquitoes from all other genera 4. Pool Anopheline mosquitoes by trap, by collection date; record pool data on Malaria Pool Log Sheet 5. Test Anopheline pools using the VecTOR Kit Follow VecTOR Kit directions: Label vials Label dip sticks 6. Record test results and archive test strips permit and/or labeling requirements 7. Pack and label pool specimens shipment for shipment to a CONUS Lab
Properly record collection data on DA Form 8011-R
Mosquito Pooling Sheet