Senior English 9/15/14 How are ruthless men like Hitler able to rise to power? Explain. What is the difference between bird flu and swine flu? WHAM –


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 9/15/14 How are ruthless men like Hitler able to rise to power? Explain. What is the difference between bird flu and swine flu? WHAM – Winning the Hearts And Minds of the people. A cynical Acronym used by U.S. troops in Vietnam. Goals – Check punctuation homework. Introduce the hyphen as punctuation. Discuss Hitler or the Middle East. Homework – Complete hyphen homework. Don’t forget the Vocab. Quiz 3 Friday, For bird flu you need tweetment and for swine flu you need oinkment.

Senior English 9/16/14 Why might heart and mind be important in writing an essay? What has no beginning, no end, and nothing in the middle? Alliaceous – having a definite aroma of garlic. Goals – Punctuation – the hyphen. Discuss the ideas from your list that have the most heart. Attempt a different Brainstorming activity. Look at more essay prompts. Free write about the easiest. Share out with class. Homework – Hyphen homework. Free write on a second topic that has heart and may present you in a positive light. A donut.

Senior English 9/17/14 Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of education. - MLK Jr. If two is a couple and three is a crowd, what is four and five? Cepivorous – onion eating Goals – Share some examples of hooks. Brainstorming for topics. Focus on the hook of your essay, analysis of quality hooks. Creating, playing and finalizing your hook. Following with the story. Homework – Get your hook word processed and go as far as you can on your story; save it as “Personal Essay d1.” nine

Senior English 9/18/14 If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one personal ability or quality, what would it be? Why do cowboys roll up the sides of their Stetsons? Cockle – a valentine candy shaped like a heart with a message on it like “love ya.” Goals – Brainstorming for topics. Sharing some personal essays. Work with hooks: share, rethink, improve. Work on story part of essay. Homework – Complete a draft including the revised hook and the whole story. Combine it with “Personal Essay D1” save as “Personal Essay D2.” So they can fit three in the pickup.

Senior English 9/19/14 Five minutes to review for the vocab. 3 quiz. Where can you find an ocean but no water? Gastrology – the science of keeping oneself well and happily fed. Goals – Complete vocab. 3 study. Read an Upfront article. Homework – Free write on what you hope the story part of your personal essay will convey to the reader. A map