Supporting Technology Enhanced Instruction and Distance Learning Tina Newby, NM DELT Manager
Vocabulary Distance Learning (NRS definition): At least 50% of learning is done at a distance (teacher and student are separated by time, geography, or both) Blended Learning: A blended course is one that is 30 to 79% online. The course is expected to meet at regular times in a face-to-face classroom. A blended course is designed to integrate face-to-face and online activities so that they reinforce, complement, and elaborate one another. The online component should not be an “add-on” or duplicate of what is taught face-to-face, and the face-to-face component should be an integral part of the course. Web-Enhanced Learning: Online components are used as a part of a face-to-face class.
Policies NRS:§ion=5&topic=2&su btopic=1 NM: Policies/NMHEDAdultBasicEducationDLPolicy-FINALREVISION%20112016.pdf AZ: distance-learning-guidance_final-june-2015.pdf
More Policies OH: e/accountability/DE%20Policy%20FINAL.pdf IA: cation_Policy_REVISED_FINAL_10-12_0.pdf
CASE Method Copy And Steal Everything! Project IDEAL ( Arizona’s TETT ( and Blended Learning Guide: ( This Presentation and Related Documents (
WHY??? Increase Access Increase Intensity Save Money Make Effective Use of Time and Funding Present a Challenge to Teachers Flexibility for Students Increase Student Skills, Responsibility and Self-direction (College and Career Readiness)
Target Population Current Students Working Students Geographic Area How to Recruit?
Assessment When, Where and How to Pre and Post-Test What types of formative assessment will instructors use?
Orientation Student Contracts/Agreements Introduction of Programs Navigation Trouble-shooting Communication
Choosing an Instructor Great Classroom Instructors are Not Always Great Online Qualifications? Comfortable with technology Comfortable with communicating with students without seeing their face Available outside of classroom hours Self-directed; self-motivated; innovative Passionate Knowledge, experience and willingness to adapt
Supporting Instruction Providing tools Requirements Compensation Observation and Evaluation Professional Development
Reporting Recording Attendance Reporting Progress Reporting Communication and Student Support
Thank you! Tina Newby (Hite)