A Quick Guide Session Two Speed Charts A Quick Guide Session Two
Recent Changes Normal Trapezoid is “Olympic” version with separate finish Youth Charts have had IX/OX course configurations added Primary Leg length is nm with metres conversion Last update was March 2017
Useful to calculate expected times at each mark
Beat Length is ~0.65nm (just a bit more) Beat Time is 9.8mins, Run 4.9 mins so Mark 1 would be 10 minutes
Dayboats & IRC Classes In same area as Speed Charts (Data Reference) Graphs of VMG vs Wind Speed for Dayboats and IRC Classes Charts to then give distance from VMG and time A guide to their use is included in the spreadsheet
Given a course size in nm (total distance) how long does it take to do X laps or Given a race duration in time and VMG, what course size (total) is required
Speed Charts