Digital footprint Max Velthuijzen
What shows up when you search Max Velthuijzen? My Instagram shows up and an old article of my Coquitlam soccer team that went through five games without getting scored on.
Three strategies that keep your digital footprint safe 1. Don’t say anything on the internet that you would not say in person and do not cyber bully anyone so I would say don’t say anything bad or hurtful on the internet and if you would not say it in person don’t say it online. 2.Another one I would say is keep your accounts private just incase there are any odd people trying to follow or text you so to keep it appropriate. 3. Think before sharing delete Old accounts Stay on top of things Use the right settings
How might your digital footprint affect future opportunities? My Instagram has no post or videos so I don’t think that would affect any job offers or opportunities in the future. Then the article shows that I am talented at soccer so that could help me if I want to go farther with soccer in the future.
Info to pass on to other students I would say to other students just to be careful and nice on the internet and stay safe do not text random people or don’t say anything rude or don’t bully people online so share nice comments and like other peoples post and for the last time be nice and just stay safe on the internet