The 9 Phyla and the sub-phylum Vertebrata YOUR NAME HERE The Animal Kingdom The 9 Phyla and the sub-phylum Vertebrata YOUR NAME HERE
What is an Animal? Add definition and description-p. 657
Instructions One slide per phylum (9 phyla and one sub-phyla 10 total) plus sub-phylum vertebrata (p.654) Sponges (Porifera) p. 664 Cnidarian p. 669 Flatworms (Platyhelimenthes) p. 683 Roundworms p. 689 Annelids p. 697 Mollusca p. 701 Arthropods p. 715 Echinoderms p. 735 Chordata p. 767 Vertebrata p.768 -then classes begin on p. 771
Instructions Include: Brief description Examples (at least 2) with at least one picture Body plan (include type of symmetry and do they exhibit cephalization (def: p.662 & 663)) Feeding Movement Reproduction Role in environment- give specific details including examples of symbiosis if applicable Add- one slide to arthropods listing the different classes with a short description (p.720-725) Add- one slide to vertebrata listing the different classes jawless fish, cartilaginous fish, bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals with a short description Total 14 slides