Phase1: Proposal Review CS 121 “Ordering Chaos” Phase1: Proposal Review “Mike” Michael A. Erlinger Today: Review of Proposals proposalreview.f12.ppt
Review Process Teams chosen, GLECS assigned, mail lists made Sit in Groups 2 people to a table, this is a group teams at 2 tables, one North, one South i.e., each team facing its team Open your trac and bring up your proposal Wait for disorganization to die Everyone move left one group, i.e., no longer sitting in front of your own proposal 10 Min – everyone read another group’s proposal 15 Min – proposal review in pairs, using Rubric (copy and edit) 5 Min – each pair present their proposal review (class wide) Repeat Teams chosen, GLECS assigned, mail lists made Tracs created svns created 2nd floor access in place elicitation schedule coming...
The End