Ms. Viola Dasoberi Rural Enterprise Consultant,


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Presentation transcript:

‘Genderising’ M&E – Ensuring gender issues are fully mainstreamed in M&E Ms. Viola Dasoberi Rural Enterprise Consultant, Ghana Social Opportunities Project (GSOP) 15th August,2017.

Presentation Outline Introduction to Gender – Definition Some Terms and Concepts - Gender Equality - Gender Analysis - Gender Mainstreaming ‘Genderising’ M&E Social Inclusion Sample Gender and Social Inclusion(GESI) Framework

Meaning of Gender Gender is not the same as sex. In broad terms, gender defines and differentiates what women and men, and girls and boys are expected to be and do (their roles, responsibilities, rights and obligations). It is Culture specific. Differentiates roles, responsibilities and obligations Defined by societal beliefs, norms, customs and practices

Meaning of Gender cont’d… Factors such as class (social position, wealth), age and education influence gender roles. Gender and gender roles are major factors in defining and determining men’s and women’s respective access to power and resources. An understanding of gender roles and relationships helps determine the specific needs of men, women, boys and girls

What is Gender Equality? The absence of discrimination on the basis of gender in opportunities, in the allocation of resources or benefits, or in access to services. It is the full and equal exercise by men and women, boys and girls of their human rights. Gender equality means that women and men, and girls and boys, enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities and protections.

Gender analysis Gender analysis is a tool for identifying the different roles and needs of women and men in a given context and project setting. In the world of work, a gender analysis includes looking at: The division of labour between women and men; The different needs of women and men in the world of work; The sex-based division of access to, and control over, resources and benefits; Opportunities and constraints in the social and economic environment; The capacity of organisation to promote equality between women and men in employment. Advantages Helps generate scientific/objective information. Helps provide baseline for comparison and tracking of progress. Justifies and rationalises interventions.

Gender Mainstreaming “Mainstreaming a gender perspective is the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in any area and at all levels. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality”. (ECOSOC Agreed Conclusions 1997/2) (ECOSOC,1997)

Gender Mainstreaming in Projects As an applied strategy, gender mainstreaming entails: Identifying gaps in gender equality through the use of sex-disaggregated data; Analyzing the underlying causes; Involving both women and men beneficiaries in consultations and analysis; Developing strategies to close those gaps; Formulating gender-sensitive strategies and objectives, and corresponding gender- specific indicators, outputs and activities. Monitoring implementation; Including impact assessment on gender equality in evaluations as well as gender expertise in the evaluation team.

‘Genderising’ M&E – Ensuring gender issues are fully mainstreamed in M&E

What is Gender M&E Gendered Monitoring and evaluation are important processes for reviewing the extent to which projects are addressing key gender issues, including progress towards equal access to education, training and decent employment etc. In order for monitoring and evaluation to be gender-sensitive, it is crucial that relevant gender-sensitive indicators are integrated into the project design and that they in turn are integrated into the monitoring and evaluation guidelines and terms of reference. Requires gender issues to be monitored at each stage of the project cycle Assess differences between women and men in terms of project performance and results

Importance of Gender in M&E Men and women have different development priorities, needs and constraints and are affected differently by development programs. Failure to address gender issues in program design, implementation, and evaluation can lead not only to inefficient and unsustainable results, but it may also exacerbate existing inequities. Support improvements in implementation of gender activities, Provide evidence of gendered outcomes, Steer gender strategies, Overall a Gender sensitive M&E Improves development outcomes by ensuring target populations are better served by projects

Issues and Challenges in Gender Sensitive M&E Assumed “gender neutrality” of M&E methods and processes. M&E officers and other technical staff may lack awareness of gender issues. Women may often be under-represented in evaluation and interview teams. Women may not be able to express themselves freely. Obtaining information from both women and men may increase the cost and time of data collection

Steps to Integrate Gender into M&E Effective gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation in development projects calls for undertaking key activities, and taking into account key issues at different stages of the project cycle. Identification and preparation. Design and appraisal Implementation Completion Evaluation

Steps to Integrate Gender into M&E Project Identification Actions: Conduct initial gender study or analysis to identify potential negative impacts of project intervention on women and men. If possible, conduct gender-sensitive social assessment to broadly cover social, cultural and economic aspects. Identify gender-related goals and priorities based on available information and consultation with stake-holders. Assess institutional capacity for integrating gender into development activities. Ensure benchmark survey or baseline study are gender- sensitive Projects goals and objectives-reflect women and men’s needs? Engender results framework- gender sensitive indicators for inputs, output,outcome and impact Develop capacity for integrating gender into monitoring +Supervision-Monitor progress against targets +Mid-term evaluation-Assess progress and make corrections 4. How can gendered perspective changed project’s implementation and results + what resources have men and women have contributed to the project +Derive and share lessons

Steps to Integrate Gender into M&E Project Design Actions: Monitoring and evaluation system set up: Ensure gender is integrated into goals and objectives and set clear targets Adopt and “engender” the Program/Project Result Framework. Develop/select the “best” data collection methods and decide on timing. Plan for developing capacity among decision-makers and implementers to address gender issues and to monitor and evaluate progress. Organize reporting and feedback processes, clearly identifying who will collect and analyze information and when, and who will receive it. Projects goals and objectives-reflect women and men’s needs? Engender results framework- gender sensitive indicators for inputs, output,outcome and impact Develop capacity for integrating gender into monitoring +Supervision-Monitor progress against targets +Mid-term evaluation-Assess progress and make corrections 4. How can gendered perspective changed project’s implementation and results + what resources have men and women have contributed to the project +Derive and share lessons

Steps to Integrate Gender into M&E Project Implementation Actions: Monitoring and evaluation system set up: Ensure gender is integrated into goals and objectives and set clear targets Adopt and “engender” the Program/Project Result Framework. Develop/select the “best” data collection methods and decide on timing. Plan for developing capacity among decision-makers and implementers to address gender issues and to monitor and evaluate progress. Organize reporting and feedback processes, clearly identifying who will collect and analyze information and when, and who will receive it. Projects goals and objectives-reflect women and men’s needs? Engender results framework- gender sensitive indicators for inputs, output,outcome and impact Develop capacity for integrating gender into monitoring +Supervision-Monitor progress against targets +Mid-term evaluation-Assess progress and make corrections 4. How can gendered perspective changed project’s implementation and results + what resources have men and women have contributed to the project +Derive and share lessons

Steps to Integrate Gender into M&E Project Implementation Actions: During Supervision:  Collect gender-sensitive data based on the selected indicators  Monitor progress against targets for the period under evaluation and feed back results into the system to allow for midterm corrections.  Set up capacity development for integrating, and for monitoring and evaluating gender-related issues During Mid-term Evaluation: Assess progress and make corrections if needed to obtain expected gender-related outcomes. Projects goals and objectives-reflect women and men’s needs? Engender results framework- gender sensitive indicators for inputs, output,outcome and impact Develop capacity for integrating gender into monitoring +Supervision-Monitor progress against targets +Mid-term evaluation-Assess progress and make corrections 4. How can gendered perspective changed project’s implementation and results + what resources have men and women have contributed to the project +Derive and share lessons

Steps to Integrate Gender into M&E Completion and Evaluation Actions: Assess impact of gender integration in the overall project context: How has integrating the gender perspective changed project implementation and results? Assess impact of project interventions on men and women Derive and share lessons to feed into overall Development goals and objectives Projects goals and objectives-reflect women and men’s needs? Engender results framework- gender sensitive indicators for inputs, output,outcome and impact Develop capacity for integrating gender into monitoring +Supervision-Monitor progress against targets +Mid-term evaluation-Assess progress and make corrections 4. How can gendered perspective changed project’s implementation and results + what resources have men and women have contributed to the project +Derive and share lessons

Checklist: Gender considerations in Progress Review Reports. Specify how many people have participated in the programme activities. If the proportion of women participating is low, consider the following constraints: A low level of gender awareness among the staff at implementation levels. This results in incorrect assumptions on women's roles and needs which are not based on factual information, make women's work invisible and neglect women's potential to participate in and benefit from the programme; Lack of gender specificity in the programme document; Insufficient representation of women and women's organisations in the project steering or advisory committee(s);

Checklist: Gender considerations in Progress Review Reports. Existence of socio-cultural or legal barriers, which may prohibit or inhibit women's participation in the programme; Low commitment or interest among women because the programme does not address their needs or increases their workload; Organisational arrangements such as the timing, location or duration of programme activities which may form a barrier to women's participation;

Social Inclusion

Social Inclusion Definition the removal of institutional barriers and the enhancement of incentives to increase the access of diverse individuals and groups to development opportunities. Social Inclusion is about social analysis and disaggregating Social groups to reveal which group benefit from social interventions

Sample Gender and Social Inclusion Framework Statistics and Analysis Have we considered the Socially excluded? Have we counted all men and women? Do women and men have a fair share? Individual and Organizational change Do staff have the knowledge , skills and commitment to make a lasting change? 1.Population of those living in poverty disaggregated by sex; 2.Literacy rates for women and men; girls and boys; 3. Life expectancy rates for women and men; 4. roles of women and men in livelihood and other economic ventures and implications of those for family livelihood arrangements 5. Women‟s and men‟s share of decision-making positions at various levels a Policy, action and resources Have we invested equally in men and women? Do our policies address the needs of the socially excluded? Voice and Accountability Do the socially excluded have a voice? Have both men and women been consulted? Source: DFID’s Gender and Social Inclusion Mainstreaming Guide,2011

Gender Equality &Social Inclusion Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment The questions to ask include: At the monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment stage, the questions to ask include: Is there a monitoring and evaluation system in place, which will enable staff to identify positive and negative impact in terms of gender equality and social inclusion? Do monitoring tools require sex disaggregated data and information?

M & E cont’d At the proramme level: To assess programme impact on GESI, it is important to check what changes have occurred in the following programme areas: Women and men’s equal participation in decision-making processes in private and public spheres; Inclusion of vulnerable groups in decision-making processes and their access to and control over resources and access to basic social services; Women and men’s equal access to and control over resources and access to basic social services;

M & E cont’d The incidence of women suffering gender-related violence; Women’s empowerment (confidence, self-esteem, access to financial resources, capacity for leadership and self-organisation); Gender stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes toward women and girls. This includes changes in the understanding and commitment of men to supporting women’s empowerment (as measured by women and men separately). If gender and social impact indicators were developed at the planning stage, these should be used to assess progress

References UNDP Gender mainstreaming manual, 2004 DFID SLP Structured Approach Paper on Gender and Social Inclusion, 2009 European Union Manual on gender mainstreaming, 2005 World Bank: Integrating a Gender Dimension into Rural Development Projects —A Focus on Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation. Revised June 2005