March 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.15-09/0199-00 March 2009 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [ Factory Automation Subgroup Deliverables March 2009 ] Date Submitted: [ 9 March 2009 ] Source: [ Michael Bahr ] Company [ Siemens AG ] Address [ Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, 80200 Munich, Germany ] Voice:[ +49-89-636-49926 ], FAX: [ ], E-Mail: [ bahr et siemens dod com ] Re: [ Subgroup Deliverables for March 2009 meeting as listed in 15-09/0081r0 (TG4e Closing Report for January 2009) ] Abstract: [ The document contains the deliverables of the factory automation subgroup for TG4e’s March 2009 meeting. The deliverables are “Anticipated Changes to Standard”, “Backward Compatibility Description”, and “Application Support Levels”. ] Purpose: [] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Michael Bahr, Siemens AG Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Factory Automation Sub-Group Deliverables March 2009 Factory Automation Sub-Group Deliverables Michael Bahr (Siemens AG) Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Status Factory Automation Subgroup March 2009 Status Factory Automation Subgroup Conference Calls Responses indicated that there has been no need for a conference call before the Vancouver meeting. Future conference calls will be @ US - morning, Europe - afternoon, Japan - evening Status of the FA Proposal: 15-08/0572r0 is the baseline received two requests for integration or alignment of proposals by Zafer Sahinoglu (Retransmission Timeslots) and Rene Struik (Overhead Reduction). Both are under discussion with the respective authors and are at different levels of progress. Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Proposal for Factory Automation Goals March 2009 Proposal for Factory Automation Goals Requirements usage in factory automation possible high determinism / low latency: transmission of sensor data in 10 ms for 15 devices roaming coexistence with IEEE 802.11 scalability in number of sensors sensors per gateway might be more than 100 sensors per gateway trade-off with latency Assumptions assume controlled envi-ronment (factory floor) configuration for optimal performance network management and frequency planning for avoidance of co-existence issues Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Proposal for Factory Automation Main Ideas: Network Topology March 2009 Proposal for Factory Automation Main Ideas: Network Topology star topology gateway devices sensors: unidirectional data exchange from devices to gateway actuators: bidirectional data exchange between devices and gateway management devices (temporary) Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Proposal for Factory Automation Main Ideas: General Concept March 2009 Proposal for Factory Automation Main Ideas: General Concept IEEE 802.15.4 PHY frames Time Division Multiple Access superframe with timeslots of fixed (base) length (can be brief) shared group timeslots with CSMA flexible configuration of superframe structure addressing based on timeslot location or short address modified MAC frame with very short header new frame type for differentiation reduces overhead reduced latency Roaming capability Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
TDMA Superframe Superframe Timeslots March 2009 TDMA Superframe Superframe starts with beacon followed by n timeslots of equal, fixed length Timeslots one device per timeslot (dedicated timeslot) determinism (re-)synchronization through beacon allows sleep mode / power save of devices Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Shared Group Timeslots March 2009 Shared Group Timeslots more than one device per timeslot (simplified) carrier sense multiple access within shared group timeslot guaranteed access for designated device, contention-based access for other devices 1 or more continuous timeslots concatenated to a shared group timeslot all timeslots in single shared group timeslot network with CSMA mixture between fixed, deterministic timeslots and shared group timeslots possible further details in 15-08/0827r0 Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
March 2009 Superframe Structure existence of management timeslots configurable during setup number of (timeslots for) sensors and actuators configurable during setup Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Low Power gateway considered powerful March 2009 Low Power gateway considered powerful devices can go to power save during time slots that are not assigned to them sensors may go to power save during periods of inactivity resynchronization through beacon Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Very Short MAC Frame Format March 2009 Very Short MAC Frame Format implicit addressing through slot number omits MAC address fields in MAC header very short MAC header of 1 byte very short PSDU increases efficiency dramatically turnaround time / latency main criteria FCS for error recognition Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Shortened Frame Control March 2009 Shortened Frame Control Frame Type corresponds to frame type subfield of IEEE 802.15.4-2006 set to b100 indicates frames with shortened MAC header Sub Frame Type indicates frame type with shortened MAC header beacon, command, ack, data frame Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Transmission Modes 3 transmission modes, signalled in beacon March 2009 Transmission Modes 3 transmission modes, signalled in beacon Discovery Configuration Online Discovery: network setup, addition of new devices Configuration: (re-)configuration of network and devices further details see 15-08/0571r1 Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Configurable Parameters March 2009 Configurable Parameters Short MAC address Structure of superframe (management time slots, sensor time slots, actuator time slots) Number of time slots Duration of time slots Shared group time slots Assigned time slots Transmission channel Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
March 2009 Time Synchronization only relative time synchronization to gateway needed synchronization to start of superframe achieved through beaconing (re)synchronization to configured superframe structure with each received beacon Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Portability & Scalability March 2009 Portability & Scalability Portability Roaming between gateways associationless during operation associations established during network discovery and network configuration (transmission modes) Scalability support for up to 127/255 devices per gateway tradeoff between number of devices and superframe length Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Sub-Group Deliverables March 2009 Sub-Group Deliverables Anticipated Changes to Standard Backward Compatibility Description Application Support Levels from 11-09/0081r0 „TG4e Closing Report for January 2009” Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Anticipated Changes to Standard (I) March 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.15-09/0199-00 March 2009 Anticipated Changes to Standard (I) new frame type b100 within IEEE 802.15.4-2006 standard IEEE 802.15.4-2006 devices will ignore frames of this type contains four subtypes: data, ack, beacon, command subtype concept preserves 3 frame types for future use new frame type defines new behaviour new superframe structure new configuration mechanisms new addressing (by timeslot) simplified CSMA Michael Bahr, Siemens AG Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Anticipated Changes to Standard (II) March 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.15-09/0199-00 March 2009 Anticipated Changes to Standard (II) extension of existing mechanisms adds new mechanisms to existing mechanisms existing IEEE 802.15.4 mechanisms will still work the same way examples: association procedure, reception and rejection SAP interfaces additions mainly to clauses 5 & 7 & Annex D 5. General Description 7.1 MAC sublayer service specification 7.2 MAC frame formats 7.3 MAC command frames 7.4 MAC constants and PIB attributes 7.5 MAC functional description 7.7 Message sequence charts illustrating MAC-PHY interaction Annex D PICS proforma Michael Bahr, Siemens AG Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Backward Compatibility Description (I) March 2009 Backward Compatibility Description (I) definition of „Backward Compatibility“ at Wikipedia ( Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Backward Compatibility Description (II) March 2009 Backward Compatibility Description (II) IEEE 802.15.4e devices do understand IEEE 802.15.4-2006 frames and procedures IEEE 802.15.4e devices can participate in IEEE 802.15.4-2006 networks IEEE 802.15.4e devices will at least implement all mandatory parts of IEEE 802.15.4-2006 Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Backward Compatibility Description (III) March 2009 Backward Compatibility Description (III) IEEE 802.15.4-2006 devices will recognize IEEE 802.15.4e frames and discard them only additional mechanisms for IEEE 802.15.4e are added existing IEEE 802.15.4-2006 are only extended by those, but the original mechanisms still work the same way Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
Application Support Levels March 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.15-09/0199-00 March 2009 Application Support Levels PPP Michael Bahr, Siemens AG Michael Bahr, Siemens AG
References 15-09-0081-00 „TG4e Closing Report for January 2009” March 2009 References 15-09-0081-00 „TG4e Closing Report for January 2009” 15-08-0572-00 “Proposal for Factory Automation“ 15-08-0571-01 “Proposal for Factory Automation“ 15-08-0827-00 „Shared Group Timeslots” 15-08-0420-00 „Extending the MAC Superframe of 802.15.4 Spec” 15-09-0024-00 „Proposal for Factory Automation & MAC TG4e MAC Categories” Michael Bahr, Siemens AG