Borwick Hall 2018
Borwick Hall 2018 Arrivals/Departures Aims of Our Outdoor Education Visit Equipment Sleeping Arrangements Health and Safety Pocket Money Pupil Responsibilities Night Time Code of Conduct Information Sheet for Parents/Carers
Arrivals/Departures Leave school at 9 o’clock Arrive at the centre at 10am Eat packed lunch when we arrive. Arrive back at school at 2pm on Friday. Not to wear uniform on the Wednesday.
Aims of Our Outdoor Education Visit Personal Development Challenge the children physically and mentally and provide an opportunity to develop independence, determination and self-confidence. Explore the open countryside and learn to understand, respect and care for the environment. Work as a team, making decisions, solving problems, communicating with and respecting others.
Equipment Please don’t buy specialist equipment. It is provided free of charge. See kit list Please bring only OLD CLOTHES… they will only get dirty and wet! Drying facilities are available. Please ensure clothing is named- we share a drying room with other schools!
Sleeping Arrangements Rooms of between 2 and 6 beds. Make the bed each morning and strip the bedding on the last day!! MOBILE PHONES, IPADS and ELECTRICAL GAMES are NOT ALLOWED at Borwick Hall No sweets allowed An EMERGENCY contact number has been provided for you.
Health and Safety Well qualified instructors to lead each outdoor activity. A member of school staff or approved helper will also accompany each of the activities. Children are encouraged to take part in all activities. Rules for safety will be explained prior to each activity. Children must listen and follow instructions at all times. Parents please complete the attached medical form and discuss specific arrangements for the administration of medicines with Mr Brooks. Asthmatic children must bring their inhalers and spacers.
Pocket Money and Extra Equipment Cameras allowed preferably disposable- any expensive equipment will be the sole responsibility of the children. Spending money- £5.00 maximum
Pupil Responsibility Put others before themselves. Children will be expected to clear up after themselves around the centre. Children will be expected to keep their rooms tidy. Children will be expected to take on cleaning responsibilities around the centre, Children will be expected to make their own beds.
Night Time Code of Conduct ALL CHILDREN MUST ABIDE BY THESE RULES TO ENSURE EVERYBODY GETS A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP FOR THE NEXT DAY’S ACTIVITIES. Lights out staff will switch off the lights in each bedroom. Children MUST stay in bed, be quiet and go to sleep.
Activities are:- Low ropes; canoeing on the canal; ghyll scrambling (off-site);team building and ‘leap of faith’.
This should be a very enjoyable and educational visit for the children This should be a very enjoyable and educational visit for the children. We’re looking forward to it ! Any Questions ?