Artificial Hydration Therapy, Laboratory Findings, and Fluid Balance in Terminally Ill Patients with Abdominal Malignancies  Tatsuya Morita, MD, Ichinosuke.


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Presentation transcript:

Artificial Hydration Therapy, Laboratory Findings, and Fluid Balance in Terminally Ill Patients with Abdominal Malignancies  Tatsuya Morita, MD, Ichinosuke Hyodo, MD, Taisuke Yoshimi, MD, Masayuki Ikenaga, MD, Yoichiro Tamura, MD, Akitaka Yoshizawa, MD, Akira Shimada, MD, PhD, Tatsuo Akechi, MD, PhD, Mitsunori Miyashita, RN, MHlthSc, Isamu Adachi, MD  Journal of Pain and Symptom Management  Volume 31, Issue 2, Pages 130-139 (February 2006) DOI: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2005.06.015 Copyright © 2006 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee Terms and Conditions

Fig. 1 Association between hydration practice and changes in laboratory findings. (○) Hydration group (n=37); (●) nonhydration group (n=56). Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2006 31, 130-139DOI: (10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2005.06.015) Copyright © 2006 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee Terms and Conditions