Arin Hanson My Hero
Background Arin Hanson is a Artist/Animator/Entertainer/Voice Actor Arin started to make his name in the early years of Newgrounds Here he would post animations under the username Egoraptor After gaining more popularity he began working on more ambitious projects such as his analytical series “Sequelitis” His style of animation and comedy led to him gaining a large online following across multiple websites He is now focuses on his gaming channel “Game Grumps” The channel was founded by Arin and Jon Jafari (JonTron) Jon left the channel in 2013 and Arin kept it running despite his departure
Work Egoraptor His personal channel where he uploads animations His Website Full of info about the man himself Game Grumps His primary channel now, uploads three times a day, daily NSP A band he works in with his best friend
Fan Base Much of his original Newgrounds fanbase followed him after he migrated to YouTube and now actively engage with Game Grumps With the Game Grumps channel having nearly 5 million subscribers it’s easy to imagine how much fan work is made for them Most fan work comes in the form of art and animations Despite taking a change in direction for the content he wants to make his followers still support him
Charity Work Every so often Arin and the Game Grumps will host charity livestreams where they play games and engage with the audience All money raised by these livestreams go directly to the supported charity In one of their most recent livestreams they managed to raise over eighty thousand dollars for their charity