Why does Strythio consider himself fortunate?
What tense is the latin verb iubeo in this sentence: “iubeo te prope me stare”? “Welcome to Good Burger, Home of the good burger. Can I take your order?”
Reading Comprehension Translate the sentence into English quam fortunatus sum! Which demigod and god does Strythio make reference to in lines 4-6?
Grammar What case and declension is the word meaning power in line 5?
Find all accusative singular nouns in this sentence. tu elephantum aggressus, bracchium eius facile fregisti.
Translate this sentence bracchium elephanti dicis? Did you say elephant’s arm? Did he say elephant’s arms? Did yall say elephant’s arms? Did he say elephant’s arm?
1. Translate this sentence: eheu! femur elephanti dicere volui.
2. Who is the subject of the sentence(just the pronoun): habesne ceras in quibus victorias meas notavisti? a.I b.He/She/It c.They d.You e.You All f. We
What did Modestus want from Strythio? C. A. D. B. I’m just a lowly slave…
Does Strythio have a wax tablet? What does he say after? YEAH!! Kill’em All!! HINT: This image has nothing to do with the question, but if you know it you get a high five…
tu brigantes aggressus omnes occidisti What is the translation of this sentence?
What are the 2 2nd declension accusative case nouns in line 17?