/1 Transparency Challenge Panel March 2014
/ Welcome & Introductions Suzanne Wise Strategy Consultation Overview of responses and next steps Opportunity for questions on responses Louise Parker 09.40Our plans for 2014/15 Introduction Open Culture project brief Questions to consider: 1.Is this the most effective way to drive cultural change? 2.Can we do more to ensure that transparency is firmly embedded into our working culture? 3.Which organisation(s) should we benchmark ourselves against? 4.How do we measure our success? Mark Farrow Chetna Khatri Next meeting & any other business Suzanne Wise Agenda
/3 Transparency Strategy Consultation Overview of responses and next steps
/4 The decision to consult…
/5 Why? We want to be open We want to be open about our plans and what we are doing. We dont have all the answers We want to achieve our goals We are not going to do this successfully if we try do it alone.
/6 What? We asked 11 questions These were the areas we felt we would benefit having some input. But really we wanted people internally and externally to give us their view. Objectives Approach Publication Priorities Working with other organisations Open data Measures of success Benefits Industry Outreach Communication
/7 Did we get any responses?
/8 Who? Asset Information Customer Delivery Service Infrastructure Maintenance Liability Negotiations Finance IOSH CTI Travel ORR Passenger Focus Which? Portman Travel
/9 What did they say?
/10 Internal themes Wider industry working Open culture Relevant and reliable information
/11 External themes More ambitious objectives Benefits and outcomes for passengers Explain our publications
/12 More ambitious objectives Working hard to achieve our ambitions as quickly as possible What are we doing? What will we do? Achievable goals Review our objectives
/13 Benefits and outcomes for passengers Data release theme – August 2014 What are we doing? What will we do? Industry work to identify what passengers want Fill in the gaps
/14 Open culture Plans in place to make our culture more open What are we doing? What will we do? Continue our work to embed an open culture throughout Control Period 5
/15 Explain our publications Identified themes for our publications Review our information What are we doing? What will we do? Be clear Continue to review our information
/16 Next steps Strategy response document Publish our strategy ready for Control Period 5 Future engagement
/17 Do you have any questions?
/18 Moving forward
/19 Changes at the top
/ The wider industry 20
/ Implications of reclassification? 21
/22 A vision To be a company respected for our openness, honesty and accessibility, setting the standard for transparency in the corporate sector.
/23 Early focus Publishing the strategy Polling – creating a baseline against which to measure progress Finding organisations we can benchmark ourselves against Working with the industry to become more transparent together Making sense of open culture & start to work towards one
/24 Cultural change
/25 How will get there?
/26 The journey so far…
/27 Key challenges Framing what good looks like for Network Rail Demonstrating the benefits of a transparent culture Measuring our success
/28 Questions/Discussion Is this the most effective way to drive cultural change? Can we do more to ensure that transparency is firmly embedded into out working culture? How do we measure our success? Which organisations should we benchmark ourselves against?
/29 Any other business?
/30 Thank you