Background, research and teaching… Xiaofei Lu APLNG Pro-Seminar September 5, 2007
Background BA, English, Nankai University A thematic study of Thomas Hardy’s four major novels MA, English Language, National U of S’pore The Taiwan issue in the media: a corpus-based comparative study of Chinese and American media discourse PhD, Computational linguistics, Ohio State U Hybrid models for Chinese unknown word resolution
Research interests Computational linguistics Corpus linguistics Hybrid models for natural language processing Corpus linguistics Corpus annotation, processing and analysis Intelligent computer assisted language learning Use of NLP technology for CALL
Current research Automatic text complexity analysis Implementation of metrics for L1 & L2 Corpus-based complexity metrics evaluation Assessment of L1 & L2 syntactic development Assessment of reading & testing materials
Current teaching Fall 2007 Spring 2007 083S: Communication and the Internet 588: Computer-assisted Language Learning Spring 2007 597A: Seminar in Corpus Linguistics 597C (with Bob): Statistical analysis
Some pieces of advice Research topic: doability, impact and life span Build a research profile early Read AL, MLJ, TQ, UJCL, CALICO, LLT, etc. Present at conferences and submit to journals Relationship with your advisor and committee Some desirable skills (from my perspective) Unix tools and programming languages Corpus annotation and analysis tools Statistical and linguistic analysis