Can you think of anything you want? Do you need it? Can you think of anything you want? Why do you want it? How would it improve your life?
Unit Title: Social Justice Focus Question: How can I make a difference? Learning Intention: To understand the impact of consumerism and materialism. Success Criteria: To complete a higher level thinking task relating to the topic. Last Lesson The Way of Love This Lesson Consumerism Next Lesson Current Social Justice Issues
Think: What is consumerism? Research: What is the difference between consumerism and materialism? Watch this explanation of American consumerism and answer the following questions: How is this similar to Australia? Are there any ways America is different to Australia? Is consumerism always a bad thing? Why or why not?
Think: Why is materialism a social justice issue? Watch this explanation of the “High Price of Materialism” from America and answer the following questions: What are the problems with materialism? What are some possible solutions to these problems?
Church Teaching Reference example: In text: (BBC News 2016) In reference list: BBC News 2016, Pope Francis in his Christmas homily denounces materialism- BBC News,, (accessed 11 Apr. 2016). Pope Francis talked about materialism in his Christmas message, so your task is to read a news report about it from the BBC and answer some of the questions on the next slide: ews/world-europe- 35178228
What does Pope Francis warn us about? What does the Pope mean when he talks about “a culture of indifference”? What should we do instead? Identify and copy the two most important quotes or messages from the text. Why do you think they are so significant? Identify 10 keywords in the Pope’s speech and then classify them as being desirable or repulsive traits for good Christians. Research and then create a picture of how the St Peter’s Basilica would look like on Christmas Day. Based on what you have learned, how would you explain the Pope’s message and intentions to a younger family member? Choose your own task based on your confidence on the topic! Tip: Work at your own pace, this is not a race!