Tonight we’ll watch the introduction and Alpha Course the coming three sessions are originally meant for a weekend on the Holy Spirit Tonight we’ll watch the introduction and session w1 “Who is the Holy Spirit”
There is one God. He appears in three persons (Trinity): 1. God the Father 2. God the Son, Jesus 3. God the Holy Spirit, also called the Spirit of God or the Spirit of Jesus Throughout the Bible we see the Holy Spirit being active. God introduces us to the Holy Spirit, using 6 steps in the biblical timeline: 1. In creation (Old Testament) 2. In particular people at particular times for particular tasks (Old Testament) What does the second verse of Genesis 1 say about Him? 3. Promised by the Father Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 地是空虚混沌;深渊上一片黑暗; 神的灵运行在水面上。 a. As a “new thing” (announced by Old Testament prophets) b. To a few particular people (at the beginning of the New Testament) 4. John the Baptist links the Holy Spirit with Jesus (New Testament) 5. Jesus predicts the Holy Spirit’s presence for ALL people (New Testament) 6. The Holy Spirit comes on all believers at Pentecost (New Testament, 50 days after Easter)
in Chinese with English subtitles We live now in the time between first Pentecost and the second coming of Jesus Christ. In the age of the Spirit. God has promised to give His Spirit to . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Acts 2:37-39). every Christian Now watch the Alpha Course introduction (15 minutes) and session w1 (45 minutes) in Chinese with English subtitles Nicky Gumbel mentions Jackie Pullinger, a British missionary. She has been ministering for Jesus to drug addicts, prostitutes, and gang members in Hong Kong since 1966. Her work has been described in the book Chasing the Dragon (1980) After the talks by Nicky Gumbel we’ll split in smaller groups to discuss the content