Zonta International Foundation Kim Vann, Foundation Ambassador
JMK Women in Business Fund $100,000 YWPA $100,000 Zonta International President SUSANNE von BASSEWITZ 2018-2020 Projects and Goal Amelia Earhart Fund $600,000 JMK Women in Business Fund $100,000 YWPA $100,000 International Service Fund 2 Million ZISVAW Fund 2 Million Rose Fund $200,000 5 Million GOAL
12% 14% 15% 28% 35% 133% $976,655.41 raised as of Feb. 28, 2019
District 10 Giving this biennium #1 in Giving $91,914.00 #1 in Club Giving $74,434.00 #4 in Individual Giving $17,480.00 ZISVAW is our favorite followed by International Service and Amelia Earhart Fellowship Fund
Endowment Giving *District 10 Giving June 2018- present: $53,952.61 *5 Clubs and 19 individuals *2nd in giving to Endowment *$322,195.58 total given to Endowment this biennium
Let Us Learn Madagascar 1 Million UNICEF USA A continued project from the last biennium Main Goal: To help girls in Madagascar go to school Construct classrooms - Train teachers and principals Financial Help – Find out of school girls Health education – Awareness sessions 20,000 girls to be reached
Eid Bi Eid (Hand in Hand) 1 million UN Women Improve the resilience and empowerment of Syrian refugees and Jordanian women GOAL: Access to employment “Cash for Work” Protection services Engagement with community leaders 26,000 beneficiaries
Ending Child Marriage 2 Million UNICEF USA A projected 15 year project First Phase Goals: Build the skills and knowledge of girls at risk Change the attitude of households about adolescent girls Strengthen the systems to help girls Ensure laws and policies protect and promote girls rights Generate data to help programs and policies for girls
Ending Child Marriage 2 Million UNICEF USA Reach 2.5 Million girls in 12 countries by end of 2019: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Yemen, and Zambia
Amelia Earhart Fellowship Fund US$600,000 Thirty, US$10,000 Fellowships are awarded each year to recipients from all over the world
Young Women in Public Affairs Award US$100,000 Ten international awards of US$4,000 Thirty two district/region awards of US$1,500
Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship Fund Six international scholarships of US$8,000 each Thirty two district/region scholarships of US$2,000 each
Zonta International Women in Technology Scholarship New Scholarship- Will be funded through Rose Fund Goals: Launch the pilot scholarship that encourages women to pursue a leadership role in technology, a field that will impact the next generation of women. 6 International $8000 awards 32 District $2000 awards
Campaigns and Giving Opportunities Annual Report recognition/end of fiscal year May 31, 2019 Convention recognition April 30, 2020 Celebrating successful events or milestone anniversaries Honor your guest speakers Honorariums and Memorials Zonta solicits funding throughout the year via campaigns or appeals. No one is expected to participate in every campaign. Different appeals prompt action from different people.
Would you like to reserve your place in Zonta’s future? Mary E. Jenkins 1919 Society What is a legacy gift? A legacy, or planned gift, is a provision to leave part of your estate to the Zonta International Foundation. It can be a bequest of a specific amount, a percent of your assets, a life insurance policy, stocks, annuities or other financial instruments. 2018-2020 Goal At least 150 new society members during the Centennial Anniversary Biennium. Would you like to reserve your place in Zonta’s future? The Mary E. Jenkins 1919 Society was established for Zontians wishing to leave a legacy gift to ensure Zonta’s future. Through legacy or planned giving, donors are able to make a significant philanthropic commitment, and many donors find this option to be more comfortable than doing so during their lifetime. There are many types of planned and life-income gifts that can offer benefits to donors and their families, in addition to funding Zonta International's work. Everyone who informs us of their provision of this kind automatically becomes a member of the Mary E. Jenkins 1919 Society. Add your name to the growing list of Zontians who have already designated part of their estate to the Zonta International Foundation. Each year, we honor those who are a part of the Mary E. Jenkins 1919 Society within our Annual Report.
Ways to Give Cash, check, credit card or wire transfer Recurring Gift Tribute Gift Gift of Stock Planned Gift Employer Matching Gift
Who will raise the most?? 2019 Area Meeting Totals Area 1: $5055 $3,430 Area 3: Who will raise the most??
THANK YOU Thank you for all you do for Zonta and the Zonta International Foundation. Hopefully today’s presentation has helped you understand how your contributions help Zonta change the lives of women and girls around the world. Individually we can only do so much. Together we can change the world for other women. Thank you for contributing to the Zonta International Foundation!