Welcome To Heathlands C of E Primary School The Foundation Stage Teachers are: Mrs Jenny Lloyd and Mrs Lizzy Patterson Miss Polly Wiggins and Mrs Felicity Fisher Catherine to do intro of staff
Curriculum Prime Areas Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Physical Development Specific Areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
Reading Letters and Sounds Picture books and sharing books Reading books Five home reads a week Letters and sounds more info in Sept will offer parents sessions. We will send home a letters and word cards. When your child is ready and has a clear grasp of sounds and using them to read and build words we shall move them to early reading books when we feel they are ready. If children are already secure readers we will ensure they continue to make reading progress. Send in their book bag, book and diary every day!
Forest School One class per week, two groups of 15 children. Children build confidence, build relationships, take risks in a safe environment. Opportunity to learn as a team, have a chance to follow their learning ideas and often try things they never have before. Takes place in the nature garden or on the Heath. Sessions are led by Mrs Clare Bullen an Early Years LSA
Visible Learning To make children more aware of what they are learning rather than what they are doing. For pupils to gain an understanding of how they learn and what makes a good learner. Children to gain greater responsibility for their learning. We began VL 3 years ago it is part of daily school life. Through VL children become aware of what they are learning not doing, they understand how they learn best and try to apply this to all their leanring situations and of course gain greater responsibility and independence of their learning this is support through out 6 characters- intro
What makes a Visible Learner ? The Characters are part of supporting our statements that lead children to becoming a VL. Children are rewarded stickers or become the VL learner of the week but can also nominate other for being a VL. You will hear lots about this from the children! Wow slips are also sent home to encourage chn to show these characteristics at home too.
The House System Firmins Sackville Daniell Orpen Mumford Argent Children should be in the same team as their siblings! After a few week we join house assemblies where children go into team. We also have house days and / or visits to the church in our houses where parents can attend. Sports day works in houses. Rewarded points to gain Bronze Silver Gold award and the winning team at the end of the term has a prize / non uniform day. Orpen Mumford Argent
Uniform and PE Kit Name and label everything please! PE bags Spare clothes
Lunchtime and Snack Snacks are provided by the fruit and vegetable scheme each day Milk is provided on a daily basis Water is available in class at all times School dinner and packed lunch What your child needs to bring School dinner or packed lunch. Healthy lunch. No NUTS!!!! Lunches in the hall we will really take care of them. Then to play outdoor with option of our peaceful garden area. All children entitled to free school meal.
Drop off and Pick up The gates open at 8.45am Initially bring your child into the class via the infant gate School starts at 8.55am please try to have left by then as the class gets busy School Finishes at 3pm. We will be prompt to avoid the crowds We will walk and meet you at the infant gate (nearest to the car park) Bring into class there will be a routine to follow, children will be taught where to put lunch boxes, reading bags and coats and then choose an activity. After a while children begin to come up to the class with a school adult or alone. When we are ready we shall line up outdoor with KS1. At the end of the day we come to the gate to meet you. We are prompt to avoid the crowds. We let the children to you so pick a spot and wave at us. If you are going to be late please phone the office and if someone else is picking up please write a note as we will not let them go!
Settling In Home Visits, 4th, 5th and 6th September 9th ,10th and 11th pick up at 12pm. 12th and 13th stay for lunch pick up at 1.30pm Monday 16th September full time pick up at 3 o’clock Tears and tiredness When to come and see the class teacher We will get your home visit date to asap if you have not had it already. A chance for us to meet and you to tell about child and for them to see a familiar face. Part time days still drop and pick up from the gate. The children do become tired and emotional (so do the parents!) but we will support them and you through starting school and you can always come to see us. We are at the gate daily – we are happy for you to just catch us please understand we are their for the children so if we are supporting we may not instantly be able to talk. Write a note or make an appt and we will see you as soon as we can.
Staff in EYFS Maple Class Miss Polly Wiggins (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) Mrs Felicity Fisher (Thursday, Friday) Learning Support Assistant – Mrs Claire Angel Willow Class Mrs Jenny Lloyd (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) Mrs Lizzy Patterson (Thursday, Friday) Learning Support Assistant – Mrs Clare Bullen Opportunity for you to see the classrooms and say hello to us.
Additional Needs/Medical Mrs Cork – SENCo SEN information report is available on school website, as well as a presentation discussing the interventions we run. Please drop in if you have a concern – early support is key! Opportunity for you to see the classrooms and say hello to us.
Pupil Premium Mrs Cork or Mrs Walsom Pupil premium is additional funding paid to schools for pupils who are registered for Free School Meals (not part of Infant free meals), who are looked after continuously by the local authority for more than six months, or are children of service personnel. This is to support eligible pupils to narrow the attainment gap. Your child would be entitled if you are receiving one of the following: Income support or income-based Job seekers Allowance; Child Tax credit with an annual taxable income of less then £16,190; Pension Guarantee Credit; Income-related Employment and Support Allowance; Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 OR The child is continuously looked after by the local authority and has been for more than six months You are service personnel Opportunity for you to see the classrooms and say hello to us.