Additional office stationery and equipment now available!!! Office Ware Additions Additional office stationery and equipment now available!!! Open the presentation Introduction If necessary, give a brief company overview Emphasise duration of sale
Computer Furniture Computer Workstations from £99 Printer stands from £45 Multimedia racks from £3.99 Explain that prices have all been reduced by at least 20% If necessary, offer complete range of filing cabinets
Extra Stationery A3 Portfolio Wallets - £6.99 per 5 Roller-Ball pens from £2.00 per box of 50 Refillable Pencils from £1.80 per box of 10 Lever Arch files from 99p each, refers to the 20 packs. A4 Ring binders from 49p each, refers to the 50 packs.