DSM2 Calibration Panel CE 12-14-06 DataModels Elevation.


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Presentation transcript:

DSM2 Calibration Panel CE DataModels Elevation

DSM2 Calibration Panel CE DataModels Data Paul asked: …how stakeholders may play a role in assisting the Delta Modeling Section in the calibration/validation effort.

DSM2 Calibration Panel CE DataModels Data Paul asked: …how stakeholders may play a role in assisting the Delta Modeling Section in the calibration/validation effort. Insist that agency data be accurate, timely, documented, and easily available

DSM2 Calibration Panel CE DataModels Data Including elevation data

DSM2 Calibration Panel CE DataModels Data used by models Flow data- USGS Stage data- DWR, USGS Bathymetry data- USCOE, DWR, NOAA Topography data- ad hoc

DSM2 Calibration Panel CE DataModels Data used by models Flow data- USGS Stage data- DWR, USGS Bathymetry data- USCOE, DWR, NOAA Topography data- ad hoc Elevation related data

DSM2 Calibration Panel CE DataModels Data used by models Flow data- USGS Stage data- DWR, USGS Bathymetry data- USCOE, DWR, NOAA Topography data- ad hoc Elevation related data BUT, elevation control is totally ad hoc!

DSM2 Calibration Panel CE GPS Bench Mark and Tide Gage Locations in the Delta and Suisun Marsh All elevation data (stage, bathymetry, topography) depends on this geodetic benchmark network realigned in 2002 to NAVD88 standard probably needs to be done again soon!

DSM2 Calibration Panel CE DataModels Everyone needs to know the elevation models: geometry, geometry, geometry levee system as good as lowest point tidal marsh restoration within tidal frame flood management navigation

DSM2 Calibration Panel CE DataModels Everyone especially needs to know the rates of elevation change rate of land/levee subsidence rate of tidal marsh elevation restoration rate of channel sedimentation/erosion rate benchmark movement rate of stage gauge movement rate of sea level rise

DSM2 Calibration Panel CE DataModels As yet, no one is in charge Given its importance, we should know the elevation anywhere in the estuary. Elevation data requires ongoing end-to- end coordination and follow through. There oughta be a Program.

DSM2 Calibration Panel CE DataModels End-to-End Elevation Monitoring Program 1.Geodetic benchmark survey- monitor change 2.Align stage gauges- monitor change 3.High precision bathymetry surveys- monitor change 4.High precision topography surveys (e.g. LiDAR)- monitor change 5.Spatial data management with integrated elevation products (e.g. grids) 6.Meta data documentation

DSM2 Calibration Panel CE Inter-tidal Elevation Zone (~MLLW to MHHW) ElevationNAVD88 Below MLLW (~1.1 ft NAVD88) Suisun Marsh Land Elevation Based on Fall 2005 DRAFT LiDAR Survey Upland (>6 ft NAVD88) Channels and Bays are USGS 1:24,000 Hydrography For Example:

DSM2 Calibration Panel CE Hey Stakeholders Insist that agency data be accurate, timely, documented, and easily available….. Including elevation data!