Analysis of Performance
What is it? 10% of overall GCSE (25 marks) You can analyse and evaluate their own performance or the performance of another person There are 2 sections to the coursework: Analysis (15 marks) Evaluation (10 marks) Analysis and evaluation can be carried out on any activity listed in the specification.
Step 1 In the headers and footers on your word document you need to put the following information. five digit centre number-12226 candidate number component code-8582
Step 2 Pick your sport Any sport on the specification Pick a sport you are enthusiastic about – this will make the coursework easier to complete
Analysis – strengths and weaknesses One strength should be a fitness component (relevant to their chosen activity). Reference should be made to an appropriately relevant and developed fitness component, justifying how it has benefited performance. One strength should be a specific skill/technique or tactic/ strategy, which has been used when performing their chosen activity. If a skill is chosen, reference should be made to the technique used and how that technique benefited performance. If a tactic/strategy is chosen, reference can be made to a description of their role within that tactic/strategy and how it benefited performance In choosing these strengths, students must fully justify their choices, making reference to the impact and benefit they provided in a recent, fully competitive performance(s).
Analysis – strengths and weaknesses One weakness should be a fitness component (relevant to their chosen activity) where improvement is needed. Reference should be made to an appropriately relevant and developed fitness component, justifying how it has negatively affected performance. One weakness should be a specific skill or tactic/strategy where improvement is needed. If a skill is chosen, reference should be made to the technique used and how that technique hindered performance. If a tactic/strategy is chosen, reference can be made to a description of the student’s role within that tactic/strategy and how it hindered performance. In choosing these weaknesses, students must justify their choices, making reference to how a competitive performance(s) has been negatively affected.
Notational analysis In order to identify strengths and limitations you need to conduct a notational analysis looking at your performance during 1 match What is a notational analysis? Notational analysis is the study of movement patterns, strategy and tactics in team sports
Notational analysis Someone will have to do this for you V Arsenal Date: V West Brom V Manchester United Passes complete Passes incomplete Headers won Headers lost Shots on target Shots off target Tackles completed Tackles incomplete Someone will have to do this for you They tally each time you make a correct pass/incorrect pass etc
Summary of analysis marks 15 marks in total 2 strengths (1 fitness component, 1 skill/technique/tactic) 2 weaknesses (1 fitness component, 1 skill/technique/tactic) Key to a high mark: Discussing how the strengths/weaknesses have benefited/negatively impacted performances Use clear examples from matches to show why it is a strength or weakness
Evaluation – 10 marks Using what we have learnt in the specification you must produce an overall plan of action that suggests ways to improve upon the weaknesses that they have identified as part of your analysis. This plan of action must include: An identification of an appropriate training type to improve the fitness weakness A full description of one training session that provides an example of what could be used for the performer An explanation of how prolonged use of the identified training type could improve the fitness weakness An identification of one other relevant part of the specification (not another training type) which, when applied, could bring about improvement in the skill/tactic/strategy weakness An explanation of how the additional specification content selected could lead to improvement of the identified weakness
Evaluation Pick 1 additional piece of specification content e.g.: Arousal and stress management techniques Feedback – the use of technology Goal setting Nutrition You need to be able to show how this will help them improve their weaknesses
Fitness component weakness Skill/tactic weakness Identification of an appropriate training type to improve the fitness weakness A full description of one training session that provides an example of what could be used for the performer (including warm up, cool down, duration, intensity) An explanation of how prolonged use of the identified training type could improve the fitness weakness An identification of one other relevant part of the specification (not another training type) which, when applied, could bring about improvement in the skill/tactic/strategy weakness An explanation of how the additional specification content selected could lead to improvement of the identified weakness
Summary - evaluation 10 marks Putting together a plan to improve the weaknesses identified in the first section: How will you improve the selected fitness component? How will you improve the selected skill/tactic? Remember this can’t be done using a type of training!