Business Support Services Pathway Review April 30, 2019
Dr. Joy Smith Dean, Professional Studies and Human Performance
Pathways Updates Certification of future Career Pathways Local Implementation House Bill 377 Traitify, GADJ, Career Ladder 2017-2018 Metrics Reports Pathways to Success
Community College
Community College
Workforce Board
Caitlin Davis Director
Jerome Shepard Regional Apprenticeship Coordinator
Wendy Petteway CTE Director Beaufort County Schools Business Support Services PATHWAY REVIEW Wendy Petteway CTE Director Beaufort County Schools
Funding larry Donley NEPZ ROD
Survey - Organization
Survey – Value of partnership activities Metrics & Website/Social Media Presence Monthly Newsletter Presentations to other Organizations Pathway Review Meetings Pathway Related Initiatives New Pathway Development Partner Specific Meetings Local Implementation Professional Development Activities That question is a challenge because some are just as important as the others.
Educational needs and employer needs will change over time Educational needs and employer needs will change over time. Continue to stay abreast of the trends in education and the changes in employment . We have just started in the Pathway work and getting them approved. The real work of implementation is just starting. Having a pathway that is not known, understood and utilized would be a waste of resources. I think getting a strategic plan to educate and train on the pathways is critical. The connection among businesses, education, and all economic development entities is imperative to the success of retaining workforce in the northeast. Please continue to concentrate on this aspect. The area I feel we could all focus on is career guidance. Awareness, exploration, performance, soft skills---from middle school to adulthood--every stakeholder is bound to provide training for those we serve in a systemic and meaningful way Need a clearer understanding of the value added by providing certified pathways versus regular offerings through the community college.
Not focusing on transitioning Veterans is a problem! We need a new format for meetings. Businesses who attended in the past are no longer active due to the beginning of the meetings being so much the same. Moving forward partnerships helps formulate networks therefore including on the emails minutes from the previous meetings as well as a calendar of events would be helpful. Pathway Review Meetings could be stretched out to every 24-36 months since there is no longer a "recertification" process Not focusing on transitioning Veterans is a problem! Main focus needs to be for middle school age students to learn the value of a pathway. Participation in pathways initiatives would have been great if all communities/LEAs were offered the same opportunities. I would like to see more products that address those that are least likely to find employment opportunities despite attaining multiple credentials and trainings.
Upcoming Events May 30 – Metrics Team, NCWorks- Martin or by phone June 11 – Ag/Bio Review, Wilson CC June 19 – Liaison Meeting, Telecenter