Confined Space Hazards & Controls
Injuries and Fatalities EVERY WEEK CONFINED SPACE HAZARDS RESULT IN: 200 injuries / 10,400 annually of 3.3 million - .003% 2 fatalities / 104 annually of 4,732 - 2% Asphyxiation $ 149,103 $ 164,013 $ 313,116 $ 820,066 $ 1,565,580
Objective UPON COMPLETION YOU WILL BE BETTER ABLE TO: Identify confined space Identify hazards of a confined space - Potential Understand primary hazard control method Avoid hazardous conditions ACCORDING TO 1910.146
Identifying Confined Space and Hazards
Confined Spaces Criteria 3 CRITERIA: 2 types A space must be large enough to enter and work Limited accessibility A space not intended for ongoing occupancy
Hazards of Confined Space HAZARDS INCLUDE: Engulfment - surrounding and effective capture by a liquid or (flowable) solid, causing filling/ block respiratory system, enough force death by strangulation, constriction, or crushing Temperature - Cooled or heated by passing material, sun, water cooled ship hule Utilities - Water, Sewer, Electricity, Gas Configuration – Baffling, Compartmentalization Communication
Hazards of Confined Spaces HAZARDS INCLUDE: (No entry w/o calibrated test for O2, Flame. gas/vap., toxic air) Oxygen levels (<19.5 - >23.5%, Super burn) Ignitable substances (combust. dust ≥ LFL) Toxic substances Internal mechanism(s) - Isolate Wildlife Any other hazards – Fall Hazards, Other workers/contractors
Putting it Together (2 types) CONFINED SPACE + 1 HAZARD (or more) = PERMIT REQUIRED: Yes Yes 3 CRITERIA Big enough to enter? Limited ingress/egress? For continuous use? Is Confined Space ARE Hazards PRESENT? Engulfment? Hazardous atmosphere? Converging walls or sloped floor? Any Other Hazards? No No Yes Not Confined Space No Permit Permit Required
Engineering and Administrative Controls
Permit Required Space Employer determine if permit-required Post confined space danger notification Documented employer program for permitted space access Generate a permit document to be issued
Permit Program Requirements DOCUMENTED PROCEDURES DETAILING: Procedure to stop unauthorized entrants Define and proceduralize safe entry practices (identify hazards, monitor record available) Provide hazard specific rescue, PPE (rescue services) Identify personnel, duties, training, emergency responses (attendant, entrants, supervisor) Coordinate multiemployer information (hazard i.d., location, nature of work, debrief) And of course, issue entry permits
Permit Program Requirements ENTRY PERMIT DETAILING: Confined space (time limits, condidion Hazards (i.d, Pre entry requirements checklist Sampling Emergency response information
Alternate Confined Space Entry ALTERNATE ENTRY MY BE USED WHEN: Employer Certifies No recognized hazards, or; Atmosphere is only hazard Continuous ventilation ALONE mitigates hazard Safe conditions measured, monitored, documentation available. THEN NO PERMIT REQUIRED Additionally, permit allows removing hazard(s), reclassification
Hazard Control Equipment and PPE
Work Equipment ALTERNATE ENTRY MY BE USED WHEN: Movable fences Hard hat Light Gas meter Radio communication
Rescue Equipment ALTERNATE ENTRY MY BE USED WHEN: Resuscitator Stretcher Body harness Tripod and fall arrest
Review Questions