SA&S-Fortnightly Status Report – Overview Period Ending 11 Jan 2018 Deliverables this period WSA : TOM Blueprint draft completed for review. Completed requirements prep for vendors demo mid-Jan, system build being estimated. SCEC: Blueprint draft completed for review. System iteration 2 started. Design drop in sessions with staff completed. Concessions: analysis in progress. MyEd Portal: quick address look up work (API and QAS change) deployed to live, ContactDetails : UX review with students, enhancements in progress Exam Timetabling: new go live planned for Jun 2018 for the Aug Resit Diet. Unit testing in progress. Tier 4 : Biometric functionality go live completed. Policy: n/a. Project being suspended. Work is now required across the SEP Programmes . TOM: Priority of work for WSA, SCEC and Immigration for next Board (Feb 18) Current Status Previous Status A A Student portal SAS002 Special Circumstances (SCEC) SAS003 Working and Study Away (WSA) SAS004 Exam Timetabling (ET) SAS005 Comprehensive Timetable Analysis (CTA) SAS006 Policy SAS007 Tier4 SAS008 Target Operating Model (TOM) Management and Control Engagement Delivery Planning Resource RAID Costs & Benefits Stakeholders Communications A R G -Exam Timetabling: re-planned following unavailability of Exam Team during Dec -MyEd- at risk due to delay with staff sickness, & dependency API server -HR and Change Management resources required for SCEC and WSA -SCEC Dev resources may be impacted by non SE work (APT/Upgrade) RAID log up-to-date for Risks and Issues. All on project website. Dependencies reviewed for next SEP Board mid Jan. Benefit realisation plan addressed in Business Cases Additional user engagement at projects from Academics completed (SCEC) . Good engagement with students (SCEC, WSA and MyEd projects). Further engagements with SCEC staff and students re design. Change management session scheduled for Immigration Being done through projects/workshops, programme lead 1:1 and SEP newsletter.
SAS– Fortnightly Status Report – Programme Risks -Period Ending 6 Dec 2017 Consequences Inherent Impact Residual Impact Residual Prob’ty/ Uncert’y Risk Level Risk Mvt since last mth Current & Management Processes and Mitigating Activities and Future Developments Senior Managerial Responsibility For escalation There is a risk that benefit realisation strategy is not implemented with business owners. The devolved management of the University makes the identification and responsibilities of (single or shared) benefit owners difficult. SAS approach of delivering solutions in phases may mean that we are unable to fully realise all the benefits at the point of services go live (e.g. creation of new teams vs FTE equivalent in schools currently undertaking multiple student admin tasks). Can we therefore fully realise the projected savings as we move thru the programme? 4 3 12 p Need SEP Board confirmation on so that the responsibilities linked to benefit ownership is understood, and can be implemented/adhered to across the SA&S projects Barry Neilson There is a risk there are no Change Management resources in the PMO to support the HR activity required (week 0) to consult with SCEC and WSA staff (assuming Taylor Clark is leading on Immigration as a pilot) Plan is to have two sets of Change Management sessions with staff -Step1- leaders training- give skills to support their staff-how to interact with change agents -Step2 -staff . hope and fear to change 5 20 u PMO to recruit Change Management expertise at SEP level that SAS can use (depending on approval by SEP Board mid Jan). Project will identify key stakeholders roles, and ask for names, to be consulted Sally Priestley Jaffar Hamoudi There is a risk there are no HR resources in the PMO to support the HR activity required (starting at week -5) for Immigration, SCEC and WSA projects Delay the HR announcement Secure HR resources to work closely with SAS project teams
SAS– Fortnightly Status Report – Programme Risks -Period Ending 6 Dec 2017 Consequences Inherent Impact Residual Impact Residual Prob’ty/ Uncert’y Risk Level Risk Mvt since last mth Current & Management Processes and Mitigating Activities and Future Developments Senior Managerial Responsibility For information Student immigration-There is a risk that colleagues do not fully engage with discussions due to disagreement with the anticipated benefits proposed by a single Student Immigration Service. Single Immigration Service is not achieved or moved to a compromise solution 5 4 16 u 1.engage with senior managers across the institution: Leadership session led by Taylor Clark with DoPS, HoS in March 2. engage change manager (Taylor Clark): agreed sessions to be run with team leaders, then staff in Feb 3. Actively use the HR toolkit with the HR advisor available 4. Programme sponsor to engage with the ISAS team-Done thru workshops 5. Heather has documented the outcome of the process workshops for discussion with KPMG , HR advisor and Programme Sponsor single people workshop held on 5th Dec 7.Meet with the Students’ Association Sabbatical Officers Heather Tracey There is a risk that future projects may not have access to student systems BA expertise Analysis of data and process is not completed for PGR and Programme and Course Information and publishing 3 12 SAS resource demand is being fed into the overall Student Systems resource planning for approval by Programme Sponsor. Engaging with SRA and IS (end of life of degree finder) for the Programme/Course PCIM work. Lisa Dawson Franck Bergeret Exam Timetabling- There is a risk of resource conflict within SSP - between support of integration testing for SAS005 and the new GDPR project for Student systems ( SAC064) Incoming data feed from Student Systems is not QA. p Raised with SSP resource manager. Days required are 0.5d a week over Jan-May. Get more of BA’s time by conflicting with SAC064 Get another BA from within SSP to cover required integration testing for the incoming data feed from Student systems to Exam Scheduler Kirtsy Roseweir
SA&S Fortnightly Status Report - Programme Issues-Period Ending 6 Dec 2017 Green - Low Not currently impacting the project A Amber - Medium Resolution in hand and is being managed within the Programme R Red – High Immediate escalation is required Issue Description. There is an issue that… Severity Score (RAG) Issue resolution Senior Managerial Responsibility For escalation to programme Working & Study Away- The Cubane data will inform the FTE resources used for placements, field trips and working away. This will inform the number of FTE required for the future single team. This is required for the business case to be submitted to Board in Feb. Medium Provide access to Cubane data and resource (KPMG) to inform the business case Barry Neilson For information Student MyEd portal – Go Live of pilot Contact Details to 500 students delayed due to competing priority and staff illness, and dependency with API server configuration still not resolved. Low Dependency escalated within IS. Delay go live from 15th Jan to 22 Jan Richard Scott (Project Manager) Timetabling - Difficulty in realising efficiencies in schools through Timetabling project due to order of project being implemented earlier and dependencies Action taken: while this is accepted for Timetabling, remaining tranche 3 and 4 TOM work is being re-planned to ensure projects are delivered at the same time so that full efficiencies are realised in schools or in the centre. Neil McGillivray
RAG Guidance Criteria Red Amber Green Delivery Key deliverables at risk Some risks around delivery On track for delivery Planning No detailed plan Detailed plan in place. Gaps around benefit/key deliverables. Not fully up to date. Covers less than 6 weeks. Detailed, current plan in place covering the next 6 weeks. Resource Significant skills or resource gaps Some gaps All resource in place and trained. RAID No documented risks and issues. Defined process and roles. Clearly defined escalation routes. Risks and issues log actively maintained and reviewed by project team. Costs & benefits Very limited benefit identification/ limited understanding of costs Some gaps in information. Costs fully broken down and information accessible. Benefits documented and logged in register. Stakeholder engagement Very limited identification. No documented plan. Some ad hoc identification of stakeholders. Incomplete plan. Not approved by sponsor. Stakeholder, interest and needs systematically identified. Plan for engaging in place and approved by sponsor. Communications Little current information on website; stakeholders not informed of status Some ad hoc communication. Some information on website Website updated for last completed stage. Stakeholders informed and aware of nest stage plans. Key messages available for last stage. A programme will be assumed to be green initially. It may be red/amber status if 2/8 elements are red or amber. A project is likely to be red/amber if 3 or more elements are that colour. A project is red/amber if 4 or more elements are that colour.