The REF – panels and UOAs British Academy, 27 Oct 2009 Graeme Rosenberg REF Manager
Why change the panel structure? Our proposed changes to the panel structure are intended to: – Reduce burden for institutions and even out workloads for panels – Reduce the fluidity of boundaries between UOAs – Enhance consistency – Maintain coherent UOAs – Ensure material is assessed by people with appropriate expertise – including users
What we propose Fewer UOAs Broad main panels Benchmarking information provided to panels Standardised criteria, guidance and weightings - varying between panels only where justified by discipline differences A central equalities and diversity team? Changes to sub-panel memberships and working methods
Panel arrangements Panel members User associate members Academic associate members
Panel arrangements Panel members User associate members Academic associate members Outputs Cross referralSpecialist advice
Panel arrangements Panel members User associate members Academic associate members Impacts Cross referral?
Who are users? User associate members Businesses Industry associations Professional/practitioner bodies Government departments Public service providers Regulatory bodies Service user representatives Charities Community and social organisations Cultural organisations UK, overseas and international
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