Safeguarding Update Spring Term 2019 Student update Mental health Child criminal exploitation (county lines)
Positive mental health Safeguarding Update Positive mental health
Positive mental health Safeguarding Update Positive mental health
Counselling Services Autumn Term 2018 During the Autumn Term a total of 39 students have received counselling sessions - 9 through Youthline and 30 with school-funded counsellor Sue Byrne. Pupil Premium students accounted for 23% of the total receiving counselling Currently we have 19 students on a wait list for counselling sessions.
Additional Student Support Autumn Term 2018 During the Autumn Term 2018 a total of 20 students with additional needs (K) received emotional, social skills and study support. 50% of the students receiving additional support were pupil premium.
County Lines – Modern Slavery Safeguarding Training County Lines – Modern Slavery Duty teams – be vigilant at the back of school and report any suspicious behaviour immediately to DSL / reception All staff to remain vigilant and report any concerns immediately to DSL Gangs fill the gaps of what is missing in a young person’s life Our aim – be that missing gap by listening to them and being alert to signs and indicators
Safeguarding Training Signs to look out for Persistently going missing from school or home and / or being found out-of-area; Unexplained acquisition of money, clothes, mobile phones or gifts Excessive receipt of texts / phone calls Relationships with controlling / older individuals or groups Leaving home / care without explanation Suspicion of physical assault / unexplained injuries Parental concerns Carrying weapons Significant decline in school results / performance Gang association or isolation from peers or social networks Self-harm or significant changes in emotional well-being
CP and Safeguarding Procedures at Ranelagh Safeguarding Training CP and Safeguarding Procedures at Ranelagh Collect information available to you on the Safeguarding Log Form Discuss with the Designated Lead for Child Protection (Helen Starr/Mark Williams) You can also consult with Social Services for advice – 01344 352020 or contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH Team) – 01344 352005 Out of Hour Duty Team (5pm-9am/weekends) 01344 786543