Panel: Debt and Its Impact on Saving and Asset Building Asset Building: The Perspectives of People of Color Convened by the National Economic Development & Law Center Tuskegee, Alabama, October 2 – 4, 2005 Funded by the Ford Foundation OUTLINE Definitions The Child Support Enforcement System Barriers to Debt Reduction and Asset Development
Panel: Debt and Its Impact on Saving and Asset Building Definitions : Non-custodial Parent - no legal custody Custodial Parent - legal custody Paternity Establishment - process of determining the legal father. Child Support - financial support charge to parents. Child support order - legal statement for setting dollar amount.
Panel: Debt and Its Impact on Saving and Asset Building Child Support –upon divorce or separation –upon paternity establishment
Source: Matthew Lyons. "Characteristics of Families Using Title-IV-D Services in 1995". (May 1999) Panel: Debt and Its Impact on Saving and Asset Building Child support enforcement agency (IV-D) = government agency that is responsible for establishing a childs paternity and collecting child support. Child Support Debt (Arrears) –88 billion in FY 2002 –93 billion in FY 2003 –100 billion in FY 2004
Panel: Debt and Its Impact on Saving and Asset Building Challenges: >Policy - Federal New Hire Reporting >Wage Garnishment >Credit Rating >Liens >Identity Theft
Panel: Debt and Its Impact on Saving and Asset Building Next Steps Practice and Policy Demonstrations –with banks and child support enforcement agencies. –Financial education (awareness)