What is AI? AI is a branch of applied philosophy
AI is related with Metaphysics, Epistemology, Logic & Ethics.
In this paper we shall discuss only the issues related with Epistemology
Definitions of AI Acting humanly: The Turing Test Approach Thinking humanly: The Cognitive modeling approach. Thinking rationally: The “laws of thought” approach. Acting rationally: The rational agent approach.
Issues of core philosophy. Mathematics Economics Neuroscience The Foundations of AI Issues of core philosophy. Mathematics Economics Neuroscience Psychology Linguistics
Issues of Core Philosophy Can formal rules be used to draw valid conclusions? How does the mental mind arise from a physical brain? Where does knowledge come from? How do knowledge lead to action?
Concerned philosophical start-ups: Machanicism: Aristotlean logic – syllogism or proper reasoning. Ramon Lull (d. 1315) – Concept wheels. Thomas Hobbes (d. 1679) – reasoning is actually computing, adding and subtracting. G. W. Leibnitz (d. 1716) – built mechanical device that carry out operations on concepts rather than numbers.
Concerned philosophical theories: Cartesian Dualism Materialism and the question of freedom of will Source of Knowledge - Empiricism Humean Induction Logical positivism and observation sentences Carnap and Hempel’s Confirmation theory Knowledge and action: means-ends controversy