Web Service Choreography Panel at WWW2003, Budapest, Hungary, May 22, Eduardo GutentagEduardo Gutentag, Sun Microsystems Hugo HaasHugo Haas, W3C Frank LeymannFrank Leymann -> Francisco Curbera, IBM Steve Ross-TalbotSteve Ross-Talbot, Enigmatec Amit ShethAmit Sheth, Semagix and University of Georgia (Moderator)Semagix Panel Web Page
Web ProcessesWorkflows Distributed Workflows GlobalEnterpriseInter-Enterprise B2BE-Services Globalization of Processes Major challenges in achieving Web Process –Scalability (number of web services, different sources and their distribution) –Dynamic nature of processes –Long durations of contract And achieving this in the context of processes having strategic business value/IP of businesses -> controlled sharing/visibility Processes driving the Networked Economy
Semantics Required for Web Processes (Semantic) Web Process LifeCycle Description/ Annotation Discovery Composition/ Choreography WSDL, WSEL, DAML-S, METEOR-S (WSDL Annotation) UDDI, WSIL, DAML-S, METEOR-S (P2P model of registries) BPEL(OASIS), BPML/WSCI (W3C), METEOR-S (SCET) DAML-S, BPWS4J, Commercial BPEL Execution Engines, Intalio n3, HP eFlow Execution Semantics QoS Semantics Functional / Operational Semantics Data / Information Semantics Execution/ Orchestration BPEL4WSBPEL4WS BPML METEOR-S DAML-SBPMLMETEOR-SDAML-S
What will it take? To address these, we need to explicity capture and manage: Data/Information Semantics Operational/Functional Semantics Execution Semantics QoS Semantic Web Process Lifecycle: Role of Semantics in Annotation, Discovery, Composition and Orchestration
Although BPEL4WS is not such a bad proposal by itself, it is remarkable how much attention this standard receives while the more fundamental issues and problems such as semantics, expressiveness, and adequacy do not get the attention they deserve. W.M.P. van der Aalst, Don't go with the flow: Web services composition standards exposed. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2003 (to appear ). Don't go with the flow: Web services composition standards exposed.
Panel Debate Are there practical models for dynamic, reusable and scalable process compositions, and are there well defined and practical strategies for their orchestration? What are the technical completeness/correctness/ executability issues with current proposals, and are they different from workflow management technologies? Will there be a move from predefined business process/workflow coordination types of processes to more dynamic semi-automatically composed processes any time soon?
Panel Debate What specifications meet the requirements of EAI? B2B? Do any meet both? How does quality of service fit into this? Do any of the choreography technologies address the need for semantics in Web process creation? In other words, are any of the choreography technologies moving towards incorporating semantics? Will the parallel standardization processes proposals arrest the momentum or scuttle the progress? Panel Web Page