1st Node Above Soil Surface Figure 1. Accumulated water-use by evapotranspiration for hard red spring wheat in relation to plant development stage (Irrigated). Flowering Y = 0.110X2 - 0.00244X3 + 0.27 n = 257 R2 = 0.87 X = Haun Stage of Development Y = Water-use Inches. Milk Water-use Inches 1st Node Above Soil Surface First Awns Visible Tillering Begins Flag Leaf Developed Soft Dough { 5.6 11.4 { 11.6 13.0 14.0 14.5 { 15.0 { 15.5 Haun Stage of Development Bauer, A., A.L. Black, and A.B. Frank. 1989. Soil Water Use by Plant Development Stage of Spring and Winter Wheat. Exp. Sta. Bull. 519. North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, Fargo, ND. Modified Hard Dough Photos: Jack Kelly Clark, courtesy University of California Statewide IPM Project