Developed by Stacey Dooley – School Counselor Dandridge Elementary The TattleTale Developed by Stacey Dooley – School Counselor Dandridge Elementary
What is a TattleTale? Tells stories or reveals information about others; this student is easy to identify. Expert at telling. Enjoys seeing others get in trouble. Threatens other children that he/she will tattle.
What is a TattleTale? Proficient at stirring up trouble. Knows when to begin such activities and when to stop. Will often make a statement, then stand back and wait for the listener to respond. Probably learned this behavior early in life.
What is a TattleTale? Often complains. Always claims to be innocent. Others are always seen as wrong, but he/she never is. Constantly raising his/her hand to gain attention or to tattle. Often doesn’t follow instructions very well because he/she is so involved with others’ actions. Never accepts his/her own mistakes.
How does this effect others? Classmates are disturbed and irritated by the tattletale’s interruptions. The class is disturbed by interrupting discussions, classroom lessons, and presentations. Most important, personal conflict is caused among students, especially among those who are being told on. Fights are caused.
How to stop Tattling? 1. Decide if what is being reported is tattling to get someone in trouble or telling to protect someone from being hurt. 2. Instead of tattling to get someone in trouble, talk with the person to remind them of the rules. 3. If someone is being threatened or hurt physically, tell a grown up.