Expert Group on Reporting under the Nature Directives WP3 – Evaluating the contribution of the Natura 2000 network to the conservation status of habitats and species Expert Group on Reporting under the Nature Directives Brussels, 18 May 2010 Carlos Romão
What was done since Nov. 2009 Meeting of the sub-group: 3 March Minutes posted on Circa Main issues discussed Proportion of total resources in N2000 Trends within the network Conservation measures and their effects N2K Group: consolidate list of conservation measures based on IUCN, DE, FR, FI
Some issues (i) Evaluation only makes sense for species that ‘depend’ on sites Identify those species Biogeographical variation... Current proportion in the network Trends Inside v. outside network – surface area / population size (?) Or Trends in conservation status between 2 periods (?)
Some issues (ii) Linking We have (most / some?) of the ingreedients CONSERVATION STATUS / TRENDS MEASURES EFFECTS OF MEASUES We have (most / some?) of the ingreedients We have not yet found the formula to bake the cake...
Possible additions to the Article 17 reporting format Proportion habitat/species in N2000 Habitats: % of surface area Species: % of population Quality/precision of estimation Conservation measures Hierarchical classification Ranking system In N2000 / wider countryside
WP3 – Next steps Prepare for WP3 sub-group meeting Meeting on 28 September 2010 ...
Thank you for your attention…