Kingdoms of Life
Animalia Plantae Fungi- mushrooms, yeast, mold, and others Protista- organisms like paramecia, seaweed, and pond scum Monera- bacteria
Monera- prokaryotic, single-celled organsims, essential decomposers Protista- eukaryotic, mostly single-celled organisms, aquatic Fungi- eukaryotic, simple organisms that get nourishment by secreting enzymes that decompose organic matter, most are terrestial organisms
Examples Animal- Dog, human, fly Plant- Tulip, rose, tree, fern Protista- Paramecium, algea, seaweed Fungi- mushrooms, rust, mildew, mold Monera- bacteria
Plants- multicellular eukaryotic organisms with tough cellulose cell walls and photosynthetic chlorophyll Animals- multicellular, mobile, eukaryotic organisms that are in every ecosystem
Monera is prokaryotic. Animal, plant, fungi, protista are eukaryotic.