Pierluigi Paolucci & Giovanni Polese RPC Detector Control System Pierluigi Paolucci & Giovanni Polese I.N.F.N. of Naples cms.na.infn.it 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli RPC DCS structure ECS DCS DAQ TRG …. …. Functionality (FSM) Config. Logging Alarm handling Access PVSS + FW HCAL ECAL MU TK Pixel CSC RPC DT Detector Barrel Endcap Sub-system HV Cu LV Cu T Cu HV Du LV Du T Du Device Physical device 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
RPC DCS Physical devices Muon DCS Ampliare RPC Barrel DT CSC RPC Endcap Wheel +2 Wheel +2 Wheel +2 Wheel +2 Wheel +2 HV LV T gas cool rack FEC ext. DCS nodes XDAQ EASY system Local DAC node with 5 partitions one per wheel 12 crates 80 boards 480 ch. 20 crates 60 boards 720 ch. 300 sensors 10 ADC About 5000 FEBs 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli RPC FSM structure Each single element of the structure, in the FSM approach, is a different parts of the detectors, structured as logical software units, arranged in a tree-like structure. Each logical unit is characterized by a set of well defined states. The RPC states machine is not yet in place but the structure is ready and it will be implemented as soon as possible 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
RPC DCS software status I RPC DCS is developed as a hierarchy where every object is represented as a node of the tree, following the CMS structure. Its architecture has been developed using the PVSS II and SMI++ toolkit in the JCOP framework. PVSS II version 3.0 and Framework release 2.0.9 All the parameters and variables (HV, LV and T) of the CAEN mainframe SY1527 are linked, by OPC server, to a set of PVSS datapoint through of the Framework configuration facilities. 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
RPC DCS software status II All the panel actions have been developed with custom scripts. Naming and color framework conventions are respected !! All structures have been tested using, in a first time, an ad hoc simulator and then the SY1527 Power Supply . Alarm conditions on HV and LV devices have been set. PVSS archiving has been used waiting for the framework interface with Oracle. 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli Main RPC DCS panel The RPC panel is under construction and it will include some sub-panel to set values for the whole RPC system; The status of the RPC node is also our top level status; Access to the Wheel node (panel). We are investigating the possibility to set alarms on some datapoints (Imon, Vmon….) where the ranges are related to other datapoints (I0set, V0set…) 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli HV Wheel node The wheel panel contains info about the parent and the children nodes with the relative state condition. The alarm status of every RPC is defined by the framework colors. Wheel name is an external variable All objects will be clickable. The Set/Monitor panel provide the possibility to give a look at all the wheel channels. 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
Set/Monitor button Tab menu for select device type The most relevant parameters and the relative conditions are shown here. The status of each channel has been set with the relative color: OK, Tripped, Overcurrent,OverVoltage,UnderVoltage,RampUp,RampDown 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli Wheel Global setting From the Global settings panel it is possible to set the values of all the HV and LV channels of the wheel and switch ON-OFF all the channels of the selected wheel. 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli Channel Details Left Click Details panel shows all the variables of the selected channel, its position in the wheel, alarm conditions, the VMON/IMON history plots and allow to set every single parameters of this channel. 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli Sector Node The Sector node has 8 children (RPC chambers). Some parameters and the status of each RPC are shown here. 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli Chamber Node Summary alarm with possibility of masking whole chamber. Fully description of a chamber. We have implemented the possibility to mask/unmask each single element using the left click of the element status. Simple Info about temperature value and sensor status. 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli Devices (Leafs) Set and confirm values for all channel parameters Possibility of mask/unmask and acknowledge each single parameter or all together Additional panel for switch the state of the channel and load settings from the hardware 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli To be Done A PVSS prototype is almost ready (dec 04) and is in test with a SY1527 (HV and LV boards) system; An EASY system (HV, LV and ADC) has been installed in Naples in November 04 and is under test with LabVIEW; Move to the EASY hardware system (when ??); Implement the RPC State Machine (Jan 05); Thing about the Archiving and the Mass configuration; Be ready for the RPC DCS period to spend at CERN with the JCOP people (March 05) 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli
P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli Conclusions 7/31/2019 P. Paolucci & G. Polese - INFN di Napoli