CLES Math Night 2017
*Jim Carroll(2015)
How We Are Preparing Our Students Engagement in the classroom Complex Problem Solving Critical Thinking Creativity Coordinating with Others Judgement and Decision Making
Number Talks Video in Curriculum Corner Our generation and how we solved and how our kids solved the same problem 70-34= 1000-674=
Strategies for Addition Base Ten Blocks Partial Sums 43 + 39 40 + 3 30 + 9 70 + 12=82
Strategies for Subtraction Compensation Counting on 83-56
Why Does This Matter? We must prepare our students to make connections as they engage in higher level mathematics and are able to justify their reasoning. We are giving our students a different way to check their work and explain to someone who may not understand their reasoning. Ultimately we want students to use the standard algorithm but we want them to find the most efficient strategy for the context of the problem.
Ski Jump Video in Curriculum Corner
What Was Present and What Was Absent? Students make connections to previous experiences and apply them