Panel of Accident Investigators RAF/2013/00015 Compulsory Briefing Session July 2013 The Road Accident Fund
AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. Introduction of the RAF members 3. Circulation of Attendance Register 4. Presentation By RAF : a) Procurement – Process and Compliance b) Operations Management- Scope/specification 5. Q & A 6.Closing
Details of the Bid REQUEST FOR BID: Panel of Accident Investigators for a Period Of Five (5) years Compulsory briefing sessions from 08 – 19 July Closing date 05 August All questions / enquiries outside this forum will be via to: not later than 11:00 on 24 th July 2013 Questions/ Answers will be sent to attendees of the compulsory briefing session 25 th July 2013.
BACKGROUND The Road Accident Fund is in need of a Panel of Accident Investigators within the borders of the Republic South Africa for a period of five (5) years. Panel numbers per province: Gauteng15 North West & Botswana10 Limpopo & Zimbabwe10 Mpumalanga & Mozambique 10 Northern Cape & Namibia8 Western Cape10 Eastern Cape15 Kwa-Zulu Natal & Swaziland 15 Free State & Lesotho 5
Select the relevant provinces you are bidding for: Please Tick province bidding for: Gauteng Limpopo & Zimbabwe North-West & Botswana Kwa-Zulu Natal & Swaziland Western Cape Eastern Cape Mpumalanga & Mozambique Northern Cape & Namibia Free State & Lesotho
Compliance Compulsory Documents (Valid & Original Tax Clearance Certificate) Page 5-Checklist of documents to be submitted Please ensure that the bid document is signed where required Completed bid and response to evaluation must be submitted
Evaluation Criteria Mandatory Requirements The following specific requirements must be met by the bidders and it will be expected of bidders to supply proof or confirm their commitment where applicable. The Bidder must have presence in the province for which the bid is submitted. Please furnish documentary proof in the name of the bidder such as: Municipality statement; Lease agreement/ invoice, etc. Where the documentary proof does not clearly match the identity of the bidder, the bidder may submit an explanation on affidavit for consideration by the RAF. Please tick relevant box). Bidders must confirm that they have read and understood the terms and conditions set out in the attached Service Level Agreement (Annexure J), which terms and conditions the bidder accepts, in the event that the RAF awards a contract to the bidder pursuant to this bid. (Please tick relevant box). Failure by the RAF and the successful bidder to conclude a contract within 60 days following the issuing by the RAF of the award letter to the successful bidder, will result in the bid being deemed to be non-responsive which will then entitle the RAF, at its sole discretion, to consider other responsive bids and award the tender to another bidder or bidders. Please tick relevant box). NB:FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ALL OF THE MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS WILL LEAD TO DISQUALIFICATION
Technical / Functional Requirements The technical criterion that will be utilized to test the capability of The service providers please see circulated copy for details. Technical criterion will be evaluated against the following detailed requirements: The bidder will be evaluated and scored on three elements with a total of 100 points, All bidders who score 70 or more out of 100 points will be shortlisted for Price and BEE.
Evaluation 90/10 principle will be used. Price and BEE
Bid response format to be strictly adhered to for easy reference Please see circulated document
SPECIFICATION Please see circulated copies