AcupunctureAcupuncture has been maintain health and treat ailment for thousand of years. Acupuncture is often thought of as a treatment for pain, anxiety, depression, and many other health problems and it is true that it can help to relieve a variety of conditions ranging from arthritis to headaches.treatment for pain
Massage Therapy Massage therapy is the another way of relaxing body and mind from several health related problems. Massage therapy
Types of Massages offered by City Acupuncture City Acupuncture offers a 3 types of massage therapy according to the parts of the body.massage therapy 1) 45 Minutes Massage (Back and Shoulders) 2) 60 Minutes Massage (Specific area on the body) 3) 90 Minutes Massage (Entire body massage)
Skin Care Therapy City Acupuncture also offer a skin care therapy program that help you to treat signs of aging, black bags under the eyes and many other skin care therapy
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Contact City Acupuncture NYC Our Major branch is at New York, US Fulton Street 139 Fulton Street #208 New York, NY Phone :
City Acupuncture’s Other Branches in US City Acupuncture has 4 more branches in East Village, Columbus Circle, Flatiron and Silver Lake in Los Angeles. Visit our city acupuncture office and get the treatment from your nearby location.East Village Columbus CircleFlatironSilver Lake in Los Angeles