WORLD HISTORY Ch. 13: Slavery before/after the Age of Exploration
Comparing Forced Labor Systems 1. Slavery in Africa 2. Encomienda system in the Americas 3. African Slave Labor in the Americas
Africans enslaved other Africans
The Spanish enslaved Native Americans (Encomienda system)
Whites enslaved Africans in North America
DIRECTIONS: *You will use your textbook (Ch. 13 Sec. 2), the article about the Encomienda system, and prior knowledge + the internet in order to make a basic comparison of the forced labor systems (i.e. Slavery) that existed in: Africa North America South America *Summarize the information you found by listing 3 facts about each slave system in each bubble on the Venn Diagram. *When you are done describing each one, on the last slide write one paragraph about the similarities and differences you noticed between them.
Slavery of Africans in the Americas Slavery in Africa 1. 2. 3. Encomienda system Slavery of Africans in the Americas
(Type one paragraph here) What similarities and differences did you notice about the 3 systems of slavery? (Type one paragraph here)
Finally: When finished, PRINT OUT Slide #7 and #9 and hand those in to me (Due: Venn Diagram and paragraph)