Cesilee Coulson Cesilee@gowise.org Making it Work
What does it take to realize employment for ALL?
An Employment Culture Belief Shared values– CHIRPS Start with the willing Yes, Yes, Yes Strong leadership An Employment Culture
Why Employment? One of the best investments government can make Human’s need to contribute and participate- a job a place in the community and friends Employment is a fundamental right- a social justice issue Participation in our society is harder when you are poor
Our Strategies
Build Long Term Relationships Gatherings Shared Learning Celebrations and Recognitions Value Retention All Means All!
INVEST By choosing to invest in our training and technical assistance effort, we demonstrate that our state’s goal is to be among the best in the country in supporting people with ID/DD to be employed in regular community jobs. Paraphrased- Charles Hopkins State of Georgia
Plan to Grow Employment Core training & specialized training Statewide and local goals for jobs Align funding with goals Alderbrook!
Encourage New Ideas! Balanced focus policy AND implementation Prototype and Pilot Honor and face our fears AND keep moving Fund innovation Use 21st century tools Include families and self advocates at all levels Educate and include your community – Especially employers!
Kristin Rytter, Ph. D. First person with cerebral palsy to earn Ph. D Kristin Rytter, Ph.D. First person with cerebral palsy to earn Ph.D. from the University of Washington Completed Ph.D. dissertation and two books tapping Morse Code with her head Has now authored several more books using Eye gaze software Consults internationally from her home with schools, children and their families- re: creating effective communication supports