Part II Second-Generation Studies of Labor Supply 1) Introduction 2) Wage equation 3) Analysis of labor force participation decision 4) Comparing conditional OLS and Tobit estimates of labor supply 5) Heckman two-stage method
1) Introduction Major shortcoming of first-generation studies of labor supply: neglecting the selectivity bias (focus on working cohort only) Data: US, 1975, women
Variables WHRS…...labor supply….. hours worked per year in 1975 WA………..age WE……… in years WW………..wage………….hourly wage rate KL6………number of children less than 6 years old K618 ……..number of children more than 6 years old and less than 18 years old LWW = ln(WW) LWHRS = ln(WHRS) WA2=(WA^2)/100 AX……….labor market experience in years CIT……….dummy variable, =1 if live in large city
2) Wage equation Ln(wage)=0+1WA+2(WA)2+3WE+4AX+5CIT
2) Wage equation Ln(wage)=0+1WA+2(WA)2+3WE+4AX
Wages of workers vs. non-workers
3) Analysis of labor force participation decision: OLS
3) Analysis of labor force participation decision: OLS
Problem with OLS: values of LFP outside the range [0,1]
3) Analysis of labor force participation decision: PROBIT
3) Analysis of labor force participation decision: PROBIT predicted values = probability to work
3) Analysis of labor force participation decision: PROBIT Marginal effects = change in probability to work due to a marginal increase in explanatory variables
3) Analysis of labor force participation decision: LOGIT
LOGIT marginal effects
4) Comparing conditional OLS and Tobit estimates of labor supply Avg.hours(US)<Avg.hours(CZ) Higher corr(wage,edu) in the US (see next slides)
OLS for working women
OLS for the whole sample (constructed wages)
TOBIT (censored point = 0)
5) Heckman two-stage method
5) Heckman two-stage method